Saturday, August 31, 2019
Determining the Accounting for Receivables from Officers and Directors Essay
Philadelphia Communications Inc. (â€Å"Philly†) is a public company that completed an initial public offering (IPO) a few months ago. John Sigar is the current CEO and member of the board of directors. He is the only family member involved in the business and owns significant amount of the company’s stock. While, we were doing audit testing for accounts receivable we came across number of Notes Receivable from several Mr Sigar’s cousins. They have taken advances frequently but never failed to pay when they came due. The notes are secured by shares of Philly’s convertible preferred stock, which were purchased by the family members following IPO. The receivable support provided by the client doesn’t specify interest payment terms for these notes. During our preparation to test accounts receivable we reviewed the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codifications (ASC) and identified special presentation and disclosure requirements for these sorts of receivables. We also reviewed above described situation from International Financial Reporting Standards’ (IFRS) standpoint. When determining the accounting for receivables from officers and directors, special treatment of these cases must be accorded. The case for Philly refers to related parties transactions, which would require special disclosure in the financial reports. The receivables that is provided by Philadelphia Communications Inc. does not give specification concerning both the terms of payment and the interest payable on these notes. Testing for Accounts Receivable in Philly Case. According to Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) codifications, there are a number of codification references that are applicable to the Philly case. One applicable reference is FASB ASC 850-10-50-1 on related party transactions. The FASB code 850 discusses the disclosures that are required to be made concerning related parties. This reference provides the legal and applicable definition of what related party transaction entails. This reference also outlines the disclosure that is required to be made. One of the disclosures is the nature of the involved relationship. The description of the transaction including the dollar amounts, period of transaction, amounts due, and the due date must be disclosed. Disclosing transactions in financial statements that were eliminated while preparing consolidated financial statements is not mandatory. FASB ASC 850-10-50-2 is another codification reference that is applicable to this case. This reference discusses the notes and accounts receivables. This is the principal and direct reference that relates to the Philly case in question. The notes and accounts receivable mentioned under this codification reference are particular to the employees, officers or other entities that are affiliated to the company. For the case of Philly, notes are transacted between Philadelphia Communications Inc. CEO and the cousins. FASB ASC 850-10-50-2 requires notes or accounts receivable from related parties to be separately shown. Any effects that arise from a change in method of determining the terms of transaction from the previous period must be disclosed. It states that this transaction should not be included under notes and accounts receivable general heading. Philadelphia Communications Inc. October 19, 2013 Page 2 Another applicable reference is FASB ASC 850-10-15-2. This codification reference stresses on the requirement that the guidelines on disclosure for related parties is applicable to all entities. It does not matter if it is a private entity or public company like in this case. The financial reports must provide disclosure for the transactions. FASB ASC 850-10-50-5 discusses issue concerning disclosure of transactions that occur at an arm’s length base. This reference states that it cannot be presumed that related parties’ transaction are undertaken on an arm’s length basis. This is because the market conditions that competitive and free might not exist. This describes the relationship evident in the case of Philly’s transaction with the CEO’s cousins. Any form of representations concerning CEO’s cousins and Philadelphia Communications Inc. does not mean that, the transactions were executed on terms applicable at arm’s length. It can only be presumed so if and only if the representations of the transactions can be substantiated. The company management should supply more additional information concerning the notes and receivable concerning related parties for further clarifications. The management should provide the names of the parties issued with the notes that are secured by convertible preferred stock purchased by family members. This is per the requirement of FASB ASC 850-10-50-4. The management should also provide information concerning related parties transactions to help in comparison of financial results with the past. The payments terms and the interest accruing to such notes and receivables should be specified and provided by Philly. IFRSs Standpoint. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) also recognises related party transactions. This is given as per the explanation under IFRS International Accounting Standards (IAS) 24. It describes a related party as involving an entity that is heavily influenced by a person transacting with a close family member. The Member of the family transacting with the entity must have significant influence on the person by the one having ownership in the company. For this case, the cousins have significant influence on the CEO of the company thus establishing a related party relationship. IFRS IAS 24 requires the firm to make certain disclosures. It requires that the total amount involved, and the nature of the transaction be disclosed in the financial statements. The outstanding amounts should also be revealed stating the terms and all conditions relating securing and settling of the notes and receivables. The disclosures should also include information regarding the guarantees made. The IFRS also demands that any provision made for doubtful debts arising from this transaction should be disclosed. Conclusion The Philadelphia Communications Inc. in its operation, have related party transactions. These transactions involve the issuance of notes to close relatives of the CEO of the company. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) requires that activities must be disclosed. The Philadelphia Communications Inc. October 19, 2013 Page 3 FASB has well explained the information that the management should consider when presenting their financial statements. The management should also improve its operations and provide further data concerning the parties they are regularly trading. Adoption of the FASB and IFRSs will ensure that all financial statements are truly and fairly presented. References FASB. Related Party Disclosures. Retrieved from Accounting Standards Codification: https://asc. fasb. org IASB. Related party disclosures. Retrieved from IFRS: http://www. ifrs. org
Friday, August 30, 2019
No One’s A Mystery Essay
â€Å"No One’s a Mystery†is mainly about innocence and how coming-of-age plays an important role in a relationship. Tallent plays out a contrast between hopeful expectations and disappointing reality through the character of a naive, innocent girl involved with an older, experienced man. The girl appears to be very comfortable with Jack, even though he pushes her into hiding below the dashboard, and despite her spirited singing along with Rosanne Cash on the tape deck, her casual drinking of tequila, and her acceptance of the gift. The curiosity builds when he gives her a five-year diary for her eighteenth birthday, almost foreshadowing a future together. The girl had experienced many changes in consequence of being with Jack. Her loss of innocence is further emphasized as she offers the following insights regarding their future together: â€Å"Jack should be home any minute now, but I don’t know if I can wait until after the trout a la Navarra to make love to him. â€Å"In Tallent’s â€Å"No One’s a Mystery†, the story shows having faith in someone is difficult to do especially when you’re in a relationship with a person. In Jack and the girl’s case, the naive girl questions her future with Jack when he treats her like a child and mocks her when she speaks. Jack chooses to mock her realism by challenging her playfully. Although she still has a serious love for Jack, she is now jaded and aware of what difficulties lay ahead. Another example would be when she is interrupted by a skeptical comment from the older man she continues, â€Å"Little Jack is hungry for his supper.†Jack laughs as she draws to a close, â€Å"My nipples are a little sore from nursing Eliza Rosamund.†Stirring traces of sight, smell, sound, and touch, all feed into her introspective outlook, but strangely. The story, â€Å"No One’s a Mystery†by Elizabeth Tallent explores the relationship of two characters, whom are both rather disputable. The young girl in the story remains unnamed and could be considered naà ¯ve and dim-witted while the guy, Jack, is a chauvinist pig. He uses his 18 year-old admirer as an excuse to make himself think he is still young. It is a way to keep him in the frame of mind that he doesn’t need a wife, he can do what he wants and get what he wants without her. Jack doesn’t seem to want a predictable life. His comments to his admirer show that he isn’t ready to settle down with his wife. For the most part his comments are short and indirect, â€Å"It’s her,’ he said. ‘She keeps her lights on in the daytime. I cant think of a single habit in a woman that irritates me more than that.†This quote is showing Jack belittling his wife. It’s something that would be said in a high school relationship. He also puts her down once again by saying, â€Å"She thinks it’s safer. Why does she need to be safer? She’s driving exactly fifty-five miles an hour. She believes in those signs: ‘Speed Monitored by Aircraft.’ It doesn’t matter that you can look up and see the sky is empty†It’s like he is saying these comments to win his admirers affection. However when Jack saw his wife coming in the distance his actions showed little respect for his young admirer. Jack is a selfish person who only cares about himself. Usually cheaters do not look out for others but themselves but he demonstrates it in several ways. The girl notes â€Å"He pushed me down onto the dirty floor of the pickup and kept one hand on my head while I inhaled the musk of his cigarettes in the dashboard ashtray†. This is horrible to have to go through but the girl has fallen in love with him to the point where she doesn’t think anything is wrong with the situation. â€Å"When he saw that I was going to stay still he took his hand from my head and ran it through his own dark hair†. Jack has to be really inconsiderate to put someone through that. He cares for her about as much as he does with all his pop-tops that are on his truck floor. Later on in their trip Jack tells his admirer what he thinks she will be writing in her diary. â€Å"I wonder what I ever really saw in Jack. I wonder why I spent so many days just riding around in his pickup. It’s true he taught me something about sex†. This comment here shows a little about how Jack sees their situation. He knows its not going to last forever and it will come to and end with in a year. You can tell the two have a very comfortable sexual relationship by the â€Å"taught me something about sex†line in his speech. They are both so comfortable around it that he feels free to joke about it around her. Jack’s situation is not one that’s seen as mature or respectful among most people. He uses his lover for sex and keeps his wife in the dark of the whole situation. It is selfish and wrong for Jack to be acting like this. Jack does what he wants all day and has no respect for either of the two women involved in this affair, therefore showing a childish attitude.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
All About Personal and Professional Health Care Essay Example for Free
All About Personal and Professional Health Care Essay Health care communication is an important practice in the treatment of a patient. Ensuring effective communication can help the patient understand their state of health. The Meaning and Nature of Healthcare Communication Healthcare communication involves an efficient line of communication between medical professionals, clients, and patient. A vital component of healthcare communication is the ability to share information that can enhance a patient’s knowledge. This is important in assuring quality healthcare (Williams, 2007). Personal healthcare communication is vital in promoting a physician’s understanding through discussion and support groups. Healthcare communication considers factors such as the attitude of the patient, their behavior and belief which could have an impact on how the physician can improve the quality of health care (Williams, 2007). In addition, it requires empathy and understanding from the physician when communicating with their patients. An effective way of achieving effective communication is to get feedbacks from the person getting the information. The healthcare practitioner should carefully evaluate if the client can understand the message being relayed (Williams, 2007). One of the most effective ways of achieving an effective healthcare communication is by conducting a personal interview. This method will help determining the accuracy of information regarding their condition. The psychosocial aspects of the patient’s conditions can be considered when conducting the interview (Williams, 2007). The Relevance of Healthcare Communication An effective professional health care communication can improve the health outcome of a patient. The health care professional can utilize various guidelines to achieve effective healthcare communication. It can help the healthcare practitioner to establish a better understanding of the condition and history of their patients (Williams, 2007). In addition, effective healthcare communication can increase the patient’s satisfaction and knowledge of treatment and its possible outcomes. Without effective healthcare communication, the patient will not have a clear understanding of the state of their health. As a result, they are more likely to spend more on healthcare, take the wrong medication, and become depressed (Williams, 2007). The Principles of Therapeutic Communication The Talking Cure In the early history of health care, therapists or in this case health care professionals rarely say a word. Usually, the best way they understand the condition of their patient is through listening but they never communicate. However, it is likely to practice a non-threatening way of communicating with patients and will not hurt their self-esteem (Wachtel, 2008). In this process, the healthcare professional conceals their real message in a meta-message, which can both be demonstrated in a manner that would make it likely to address the conflicting issue which the patient has avoided (Wachtel, 2008). The manner of delivery by the therapist can have a huge effect on the patient compared to the real message. Most of the time, what the therapist says lowers the self-esteem or confidence of the patient (Wachtel, 2008). In this practice, the therapist must be consistent in monitoring their part in the therapeutic session (Wachtel, 2008). Cyclical Psychodynamics The theory of cyclical psychodynamics utilizes a series of repetitive cycles of communication between people. It combines views from interpersonal dynamics and behavioral and family systems (Wachtel, 2008). The cyclical psychodynamics theory states that people live in a contextual life and their behavior is always related to an individual or object. In therapeutic communication, it is important for the health care professional to understand the roots of the patient’s difficulties (Wachtel, 2008). Cyclical psychodynamics focuses on understanding the cause of the patient’s anxiety. The difficulty of a patient can be rooted from their early knowledge of being afraid of their feelings, thoughts, and inclinations. The aim of therapy in this sense is to help the patient refocus these feelings and integrate them into a complete life (Wachtel, 2008). One aim of therapeutic communication is to direct the patient to a variation of the truth that would help them see new possibilities in their life and to modify life patterns that have been responsible for their difficulties. By using meta-messages, the therapist will help the patient affirm, acknowledge, and understand their feelings (Wachtel, 2008). Other therapeutic techniques provide a different climate, focusing on inhibition, silence and non-engagement from the therapist. With cyclical psychodynamics, however, the health care professional is more involved in the therapeutic process (Wachtel, 2008). Conclusion Healthcare communication involves an efficient line of communication between medical professionals, clients, and patient. A vital component of healthcare communication is the ability to share information that can enhance a patient’s knowledge. This is important in assuring quality healthcare. An effective professional health care communication can improve the health outcome of a patient. The health care professional can utilize various guidelines to achieve effective healthcare communication. It can help the healthcare practitioner to establish a better understanding of the condition and history of their patients. Effective healthcare communication can increase the patient’s satisfaction and knowledge of treatment and its possible outcomes. Without effective healthcare communication, the patient will not have a clear understanding of the state of their health. As a result, they are more likely to spend more on healthcare, take the wrong medication, and become depressed. In the early history of health care, therapists or in this case health care professionals rarely say a word. Usually, the best way they understand the condition of their patient is through listening but they never communicate. However, it is likely to practice a non-threatening way of communicating with patients and will not hurt their self-esteem. In this process, the healthcare professional conceals their real message in a meta-message, which can both be demonstrated in a manner that would make it likely to address the conflicting issue which the patient has avoided Cyclical psychodynamics focuses on understanding the cause of the patient’s anxiety. The difficulty of a patient can be rooted from their early knowledge of being afraid of their feelings, thoughts, and inclinations. The aim of therapy in this sense is to help the patient refocus these feelings and integrate them into a complete life. With cyclical psychodynamics, the patient is directed to a variation of the truth that would help them see new possibilities in their life and to modify life patterns that have been responsible for their difficulties. By using meta-messages, the therapist will help the patient affirm, acknowledge, and understand their feelings. Compared with other therapeutic techniques, which focuses on inhibition, silence and non-engagement from the therapist, cyclical psychodynamics involves more involvement and participation by the health care professional in the therapeutic process All About Personal and Professional Health Care. (2016, Dec 04).
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Multipe Sclerosis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Multipe Sclerosis - Assignment Example In addition, the damage of the myelin sheath makes it difficult for the brain to transmit signals to parts of the body. Also, due to the effect on the brain, patients lack balance, that results to physical inactiveness and the patient remains dull. The disease also weakens the limbs, causing difficult movement. MS patients experience blurred vision or in some instance double vision. This may be caused by the brain not transmitting information to the eye. Patients also suffer scantiness of coordination leading to clumsiness and feebleness in the limbs. Moreover, a common symptom is lack of balance leading to problems in walking whereby a patient may fall. Additionally, close to 90% of the patient experience fatigue causing weak muscles (Weiner & Stankiewicz 2012). The tests for the disorder are mainly Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed tomography. These two tests involve studying the cells. The cells later draw up patterns that help the observer to determine whether there is the presence of the infection in the cells. The observation made by the clinic officer later helps them determine which kind of treatment to use, either clinical or surgical (Constantino et al. 2012). Constantino et al. (2012) explain that the treatment could be by use of biomarkers being introduced to the body of the patient. Interferon-beta can also be used by neutralizing antibodies in the patient’s body. However, the clinician should take time to evaluate the patient’s body response to different biomarkers so as to ensure that the patient is treated with the biomarker that reacts positively with the body. Alkhawajah, M., Caminero, A., Freeman, H., & Oger, J. (2013). Multiple Sclerosis and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: What We Know And What We Would Need To Know!. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 19(3), 259-265. Constantino, C., Rodrigues, R., Neto, J., Marchiori, E., Araujo, A., de Mello Perez, R., & Parente, D.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
International Marketing Plan for Allianz Case Study
International Marketing Plan for Allianz - Case Study Example The company has acquired about 60 million customers to whom it provides property and casualty insurance services, health insurance, life insurance asset management and banking services. Allianz started to go international in the late 19th century when the company opened a branch office in London. Allianz now also has branches in Paris, Italy, Great Britain, Netherlands, Brazil, Spain, and USA. Allianz hopes to expand into Eastern Europe and establish branches either in Hungary or turkey. Since international marketing plans revolve around certain factors, the company will have to complete a thorough analysis of the countries in question, so as to determine the feasibility and viability of international services in these countries. This report will also discuss the viability of establishing branches in the Turkish or Hungarian market place. The Company is aiming to establish the organization in a global market. In order to do this an effective international marketing plan would have to be developed. The goal of this international marketing plan is the provision of specific directions for the company's marketing activities. Research will be carried out in various areas like segmentation, marketing, pricing strategy, targeting and positioning, promotional strategy, control and implementation, in order to achieve set goals. This marketing plan will also detail what the company can achieve with such an international marketing strategy and hoe this plan will help in realizing company objectives. When an organization has decided that it is beneficial to go international and start operations in another country, "it is necessary to define company policies on international marketing and the company's objectives for creating promotional campaigns that are efficient. As long as Allianz continues to offer superior services that are efficient, then the company will be better than a domestic company. As the global market continues to grow bigger and population increase continues, the company must engage in effective international marketing, in order to acquire and maintain more clients." (An in depth analysis of Insurance Industry) Interest in Hungary and Turkey Numerous variables function within an international company such as this, which deals in a global market. These variables can influence the company's strategy either directly or indirectly. Being well implanted in various parts of the world Allianz seeks to invest other markets in Europe. Marketing strategy At Allianz, the goal of business is the acquisition of clients and maintaining these clients as customers. The company's international marketing strategy should reflect this, as the company continues to build its reputation. The strategies that would be used for this international marketing will be a push/promotional strategy and pull/selling strategy. The push/promotional strategy will use the company's trade promotion activities and sales force to create consumer demand internationally. The pull/selling strategy involves expenses on promotions for consumers and advertising in order to build up consumer demand for services SWOT analysis The sections highlighted below constitute the most relevant issues for Allianz, and the success of the company. Strengths The company's strengths include: a brand new international approach, staff
Monday, August 26, 2019
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a Wind Power Production Research Paper
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a Wind Power Production Project in Turkana Area of Kenya; East Africa - Research Paper Example The project under consideration will constitute a wind farm situated at the South Eastern end of Lake Turkana. This area is mostly uninhabited, rocky and arid desert area. The geographical conditions are unique with daily temperature fluctuations generating strong, predictable wind streams between Lake Turkana and the desert hinterland. Although there is no significant source of water, power or coal, the area can be termed as an enormous natural heat engine. This is due to the wind circulation system coming as a result of the difference in temperatures of the sun-baked land region and the cooler waters of the lake. The heating of the land air causes rising of hot air, which is promptly replaced by the cool air from the Lake blowing as wind throughout the area until it cools down. Contrary to what happens in the oilfield where depletion occurs, the blowing goes on as long as the as the sun shines. The projected area effectively acts as a funnel whereby the wind streams are accelerated to speed up to 15m/s. This ascertains the positivity of the resource to driving turbines for power production. The power deficit in Kenya is a serious problem and the production of electric energy using wind, will boost the production to high. The modelling done estimates that wind power installation with capacities of close to 300 megawatts would be required to increase the power production by 20%. The wind farm will include 365 V53 turbines with hub heights of 44 meters to produce clean electricity into the national grid system. 1.2. Project Timelines The project under consideration is scheduled to take five years to completion though in three phases. The first phase of two years will incorporate ground work and research findings on the viability of this project in the Turkwel region, followed by installation phase of two years, which also see the pre trial use being done. The last one year phase will be the commissioning stage. Timescale of change Environmental Parameter Geologi cal aspect Will not change and will remain stable. Can be more than 50 years Favorable air replenishment and cut down on GHGs. Varies seasonally The population of migratory bird from Lake Turkana will be affected to the south Eastern side. 1.3. Project Location The Lake Turkana project will constitute a wind farm situated 8 Km South East of Lake Turkana in Marsabit County Loyiangalani district of Kenya. The exact position of the proposed plant is between two mount ranges; Southwest of Mt Kulal and Northeast of Mt. Nyiru. The Map Showing the location of the project is exhibited in Annex 1. 1.3.1. Soil Capacity The area has basically a clay based soil meaning the area is more alkaline with the surrounding rocks being predominantly volcanic. The area has undergone tremendous natural degradation in form soil erosion. The soil in the area has been affected by the overgrazing of the pastoralists communities. Lack of vegetation and cutting down of the few trees and shrubs make the area pro ne to soil destruction processes. The construction of the project will result into increased soil erosion during installation of turbines and road construction. This combined with strong winds and occasional rains may lead to acute and chronic erosions. 1.3.2. Ground Water The area consists of efficient aquifers of ground waters that can be utilised for the construction purposes. This is through the drilling of boreholes and provides sufficient project water and avoids competition with the locals. After construction, the extra boreholes will be made available to the local communities. 1.3.3. Surface Water The water quantity and quality is a critical issue and its availability in the project area, is generally low and constitutes one of the major challenges in the region. The
Business Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business Tourism - Essay Example (Parliament, Great Britain, Media and Sport Committee Culture, and House of Commons, 2005) Although the Business tourism in Britain is well over  £ 20 Billion currently, still the tourism industry is eagerly anticipating Olympics, because that is supposed to bring some good omen after the last decision by the government to cut the funding for tourism by nearly one fifth, some economists had discovered that this decision was made on completely inaccurate data which stated an over anticipated growth in the industry. (Connor, Ashling, 2008) Here in this report we have discussed all the above and have also stated the future prospects of the tourism industry and the effects of 2012 Olympics on it. We have also provided a strong conclusion and recommendations as to the best options and growth opportunities in Britain. The non-discretionary business tourism is composed of the individual or corporate travel garners  £ 7 billion of revenues per annum. There has been a 53% growth in all business trips to the UK in the span of more than a decade. Approximately, 7 million visits are made to the UK each year for business purposes. (Rogers, Tony, 2003) The decision made by the government to cut the revenues and expenditures by a fifth was not justified and the opposition as well as the tourism promotion NGO’s realize that and some have even protested against that decision, after all, we wouldn’t want to ruin England’s name by not being prepared or rather not being able to organize a breathtaking Olympics, we have to at least show a better performance than most of the first or third world countries, being one of the most supreme and developed nation. (Great Britain: National Audit Office, 2007) One of the most alluring characters of the business tourism industry is that it creates a lot of job as well as business opportunities as well as it sustains the workforce as it is an industry that’s growing at a constant and stable growth rate. As a
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Review of Hart's Atheist Delusions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Review of Hart's Atheist Delusions - Essay Example Therefore, this paper is a review of Hart’s Atheist Delusions, whereby each section of the book will be reviewed. The book gives an outline concerning the transformation of Christianity during the ancient world through ways that have been forgotten such as liberalization from fatalism, presenting substantial dignity on human beings, challenging the features of cruelty in pagan society and elevation of charity above the qualities. Hart also establishes an argument concerning the term â€Å"Age of Reason,†which is considered the initiation of authority to be a cultural value. Moreover, the thesis in this book is concise, whereby it explores the misrepresentation of Christianity history during the New Atheists and the positive effect on the world’s culture. The first section of the book entails an assessment of the new â€Å"gospel of unbelief†and supporters, which is preceded by a question rose on the central principles implying that the world has facilita ted modernity. The book seeks to establish whether the world can be a better place thought the modernist doctrine, absolute human autonomy, which is embraced by a substantial stability. The next section of the book entails a direct challenge to the modernity through a rewrite of the Christianity history, and an assessment of the cultural struggle between the rivalry from the pagans and growing Christianity faith. The book raises concern in exposed modern myths, which represent Christianity as forces of intolerance, fallacy, irrationalism and cruelty. On the other hand, there is an opposite representation of the paganism, whereby it is attributed to love, peace and fostering coexistence through an attitude of the minority. In the contrary, the pagans have a culture attributed to anti-intellectuals, corruption and oppression. However, despite this dissolute environment, Christianity has managed to uphold their optimism, liberation and anti-elitist, which is preached though their value s of honorable integrity, thereby generating cultural conditions that foster flourishing of philosophy and science in a long period. In fact, Hart claims that Christianity takes credit for the greatest benefits enjoyed in the world today. In the third section of the book, the case established to lose the line of argumentation, whereby the information presented becomes incoherent throughout the development of six chapters. Nevertheless, the chapters sought to establish a case based on the modern conception on humanity through a positive invention of Christianity. Therefore, these offers illustration of the way culture have abandoned Christianity leading to desertion of humanity. The argument in this book becomes problematic in numerous dimensions, such as the difficulty involved in the process of deriving a discussion in the exact line of argumentation and the precision of each idea leading to the conclusion. Moreover, the last chapter of the third section depicts the Christianity do ctrine in relation to the principle of manifestation, which is an elevation of human conception concerning the level of divinity. Moreover, the claim in this section seems to turn on the doubtful interpretation of the incarnation, which surpasses the ecumenical creeds of the church, instead of a precision and argumentation offered by Hart. In fact, his argument appears to be insightful than a reader can understand, and if that is the case, there is obscurity created by oblique prose. In the last two chapters,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Farm Subsidies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Farm Subsidies - Assignment Example Farm subsidies should be phased out to accommodate contemporary trends in agriculture. Resources directed to farm subsidies could be invested in more productive projects that lack complementary alternatives. There are numerous alternatives in acquiring farm produce in the event that local farmers fail to meet local demand. An outstanding alternative is importation of farm produce. Prices of imported farm produce are relatively low due to absolute or comparative advantages enjoyed by the source of exports. In the contemporary times, every aspect of production has become oriented towards international interdependence. Supplying products and services at the minimum cost possible is the primary objective that any given business entity seeks to achieve. This is more so due to the fact that business enterprises operate under a profit motive. Even with farm subsidies eliminated, product supply in the markets can still remain constant or even increase through agricultural businesses (Miller & Spoolman, 2011). Therefore, farm subsidies should be phased
Friday, August 23, 2019
Hospitality Contract and Event Management Essay
Hospitality Contract and Event Management - Essay Example ........................... 12 References .................................................................................................. 13 The Scenario Events have become important in our lives. Events refer to a happening called for a specific objective which is planned and managed like a project. An event is ‘an organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event, gala dinner, and so forth’ (CIC, 2003 as cited in Bowdin et al., 2006, p. 14). Business events are happenings designed for conferences, exhibitions, incentive travel, and corporate events. They are categorized and referred with an acronym MICE, representing meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions/events. Events lead to value creation process when organisations create interactions among employees and events provide a unique experience. External factors affecting planning and management in the event and contract sectors 1.1 Main characteristics of the contract and event ca tering sectors The meetings industry is a large contributor to the gross domestic product of the United States and the United Kingdom (Craven & Golabowski 2001, p. 3). Planning, organization and management of the event should be considered as a project and that the events planner and the team in charge of the implementation should adopt a project management approach to planning and delivering their event (Conway 2004). This must be accompanied with a business plan along with a written plan and report. Contract and event catering have become parts of a growing industry. It is young and maturing at a rapid rate. Conferences are at the forefront of modern communications, whether this is for internal communications or as a vehicle for communication with key audiences. Conference is a generic term to... Events have become important in our lives. Events refer to a happening called for a specific objective which is planned and managed like a project. An event is ‘an organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event, gala dinner, and so forth’ (CIC, 2003 as cited in Bowdin et al., 2006, p. 14). Business events are happenings designed for conferences, exhibitions, incentive travel, and corporate events. They are categorized and referred with an acronym MICE, representing meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions/events. Events lead to value creation process when organisations create interactions among employees and events provide a unique experience. External factors affecting planning and management in the event and contract sectors 1.1Main characteristics of the contract and event catering sectors The meetings industry is a large contributor to the gross domestic product of the United States and the United Kingdom (Craven & Golabowski 2001, p. 3). Planning, organization and management of the event should be considered as a project and that the events planner and the team in charge of the implementation should adopt a project management approach to planning and delivering their event (Conway 2004). This must be accompanied with a business plan along with a written plan and report. Contract and event catering have become parts of a growing industry. It is young and maturing at a rapid rate. Conferences are at the forefront of modern communications, whether this is for internal communications or as a vehicle for communication with key audiences. Conference is a generic term to describe a diverse mix of communications events. (Rogers 2003, p. 45)
Thursday, August 22, 2019
How to Write a Great Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free
How to Write a Great Statement of Purpose Essay Statement of Purpose Growing up in an educated family was a great motivation to find my position in life and establish my own dreams. During my high school education, I started searching for undergraduate programs that matched my personality and interests. After a long journey of searching, I decided to study a major that focuses mainly on health science in order to help people to stay safe and healthy. When I imaged how a small pill can switch people’s lives from hell to heaven, it motivated me to learn more about scientific processes to facilitate these transformations. Once I received my Pharm-D degree from Taif University, I determined to obtain a Master’s degree in the U.S in Pharmacoeconomics, Health Care Outcomes and Clinical Services. I discovered my specific academic passion when I was a senior pharmacy student, during my hospital rotations besides my graduation project. I worked with Professor Abubaker, who is an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice division at Taif University, on a project titled â€Å"Self-Medication with Antibiotics: A population-based survey in Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.†This project had a great effect on my desire to continue studying pharmacy in graduate school because it showed me that many patients have low awareness of the effects of using wrong or unspecified dose of medication, especially in antibiotics due to either low awareness or social impacts. This matched my experience in five rotations of hospitals and college training as a senior pharmacy student. One of the important rotations to me was when I worked with physicians in a walk-in Ambulatory clinic. I interacted face to face with the patients and observed their treatment plans to raise awareness or make changes . In addition to my internship, I participated in many events during my college years. One of the important participation to me was when I participated in DUPHAT Conference 2015 in Dubai as a conference delegate and student poster presenter of a group graduation project. The concepts of hard work and the commitment to what I am doing and aiming for were reinforced in me by these extracurricular activities. I chose to apply to your program because it offers a highly unique Health Outcomes and Pharmacy Practice program. This program hits two birds with one stone for me. It focuses academically on providing the knowledge and analytical skills, which are necessary to demonstrate the pharmaceutical and healthcare products, to help to improve the health system in order to provide more accurate treatments for patients as well as to reduce health care cost and use budgets appropriately. The other interest of this program is providing six fellowship experiences in areas of specialization. My passion for studying this subject has grown due to the scarcity of specialists and experts in my country. I have researched the faculty of your program to find matches with my interests. I am interested in working with Dr. Linda L. Norton, or with Dr. Veronica T. Bandy, because of their research interests and both of them have experience in teaching Nonprescription therapy and self-care courses, which is the same topic of my graduation project. Also, I am interested in working with Dr. Yvonne Mai, because she has a degree in Pharmacoeconomics, Health Care Outcomes and Clinical Services Fellowship, which is the same as my specialized program. I have looked at all the faculty backgrounds and interests, and Dr. Mai is the only one who has this degree. I believe we can collaborate to take health care and clinical services to a new level in my country due to our same interest field and passions. After I obtain a master’s degree, I will return home to work in one of Saudi Arabia’s Health Ministry Hospitals as a part of my full scholarship agreement. After that, I plan to continue my journey in higher education to transfer my passion to young pharmacy students to improve the health outcomes and pharmacy practice in Saudi Arabia.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay Example for Free
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay In the text â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas†the plot plays a major role. The story is about an Eight year-old called Bruno who is the son of a Nazi officer, when his father gets promoted by the Fuhrer which takes Bruno’s family from a nice house in Berlin to an isolated area where Bruno has nothing to do and no-one to play with. He ignores his mother’s repeated instructions and starts exploring by walking along the fence. He then eventually meets Shmuel a boy who coincidentally has the same birthdate as him and lives on the other side of the fence. They then become friends and despite Bruno’s betrayal to Shmuel when Lt Kotler was asking whether Bruno knows Shmuel, Bruno then realises his betrayal is filled with guilt. Before his betrayal happened Bruno has been very loyal by bringing him food and even embarrassed himself by telling a lie to his sister so she won’t find out about Shmuel. Bruno’s family decides to leave Auschwitz and decides to spend the last day there, by helping Shmuel find his papa and gets caught in the death march inside the gas chambers. In the film â€Å"The Kite Runner†, the story is about a rich boy called Amir and his servant and friend, Hassan. Amir doesn’t care much about Hassan’s feelings and he pretty much treats him as a servant. Baba is ashamed of Amir since he cannot stand up for himself because when Assef and his other buddies pick on Amir because he is â€Å"friends†with a Hazara but Hassan stands up for Amir and threatens the bullies with a slingshot. When they win the kite cutting competition, Hassan goes and retrieves the kite but he soon meets with the bullies, Amir soon finds him and witnesses the situation of Hassan not giving up the kite and gets raped by Assef. Baba is proud of Amir winning the kite competition but Amir feels guilty, Amir then plans to get Hassan kicked out of the house by saying he stole his watch he got on his birthday. Baba forgives Hassan when he admits into stealing his watch just to protect Amir but Hassan’s father knows what happened and leaves with Hassan. Then it fast-forwards to June 1979 when the Soviets intervenes and is forced to flee to Pakistan with Amir and lets Rahim Khan take care of the house. Then it fast-forwards to 1988 where they already arrive in America with almost nothing where Baba runs a service station. Amir soon gets married and after a while Baba dies. In the year 2000 Amir gets a phone call and finds out Hassan is his half-brother and there is way to â€Å"be good again†but then he finds out he died and tries to seek redemption by rescuing Sohrab who was taken away from the orphanage.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Industrialisation pattern in Australia
Industrialisation pattern in Australia Much of the pattern of industrialisation in Australia was focused on unlocking the abundances of natural resources that lay in the country and using it to fuel an economic development. The pattern of industrialisation in many countries tends to begin with exploiting the inorganic sources of energy, which Australia had a certain amount of in coal. Secondly, the next requirement was for an extensive labour force which the post-war immigration programme supplied. Finally, it required a certain amount of infrastructure, which in a country as geographically vast as Australia proved to be a vital element. Following the Great Depression of the 1920s and the poor growth of the 1930s that culminated in the Second World War, the stage was set for Australia to create an economic boom that lasted through the 1960s and much of the 1970s. Japan emerged as the primary market for Australian exports, replacing Britain as the major market, and the stage seemed set for increased growth. However, as wil l be seen, the sustainability of this economic growth is in question and problems were only narrowly avoided by the development of service-led industries in the 1990s. Following the Second World War, new financial institutions were created in Australia to attempt to alleviate the troubles from before the 1940s. Before the First World War, the bulk of investment in Australia had come from private British Investors through specialised investment banks. However, by the 1930s, confidence had fallen and very little capital flowed into Australia leaving a dearth in investment. However, after 1945 the international price for primary products increased substantially setting the market-driven context for Australian growth. In 1945 Australia was not well integrated in the Asia-Pacific region, and this meant the country initially looked towards Britain and the USA in the first instance. However, after achieving independence in 1952, Japanese industrial output increased, as a result of it holding a significant amount of manufacturing capability as a result of its output during the war. This provided Australia with a significantly closer market for its raw mate rials and thus helped fuel the continued development of its mining and refining industries. International capital was at its highest, the population influx provided a burgeoning increase in the market and the stage appeared to be set for continued and sustained economic growth. The difficult with establishing the success of Australian economic growth tends to lie with the contrast of the enormous success of the initial years with the steady decline of later years. Not only did the real economic growth of Australia steadily decline, from 6.4% in 1950-4 to 2.6% in 1875-79, its share of World economic growth steadily declined in this period. Australias share of World Trade declined throughout this period from 2.8% in 1950 to 1.5% in 1972. This suggested that the foundation of the long boom was unsustainable in the long run. It has been argued that smaller countries need to rely heavily on a balance of trade, and Australia is the only small economy in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that is not a heavy trader and in fact is the third most closed economy. There was a decline in investment in Australian manufacturing in the late 1960s, and the share of total employment fell from 22.8% in 1974 to 17.8%. In the early 1990s, Austral ia experienced a recession with 11% unemployment. From the criteria that successful industrialisation should lay the foundation for sustained growth in the future, or at least relative sustained growth (i.e. increased growth relative to other countries), the Australian industrialisation has not been particularly successful. The reconstruction of the international economy following the 25 years after 1945 provided an important stimulus to economic growth that many nations took advantage of. Australia responded by undergoing a significant industrial revolution. However, it only held a relative advantage that gave it a great starting point. Increased migration, improved infrastructure and inflows of foreign development led to a vast increase in industrial output both in the supply of raw materials and in the creation of a manufacturing base in the country. However, the growth was not sustained and was reliant upon other countries sustaining their imports of Australian goods which was a poor foundation as was exposed after 1973. Nevertheless, Australia had created a secure welfare state, sustained an increased immigration policy and was able to adapt to the challenges with which it was presented. The growth in service industries in the 1990s lay upon the basis of a strong industrial base, and thus it can ha rdly be said that industrialisation was in any way a disaster. Therefore it can be concluded that Australia was relatively successful in industrialising between 1950 and 1973 it was not as successful as it could have been when viewed retrospectively, but it certainly made itself into an industrialised nation with great prospects for sustaining economic growth into the future.
Monday, August 19, 2019
No Country for Old Men Essay -- Character Analysis, Sheriff Ed Tom Bel
Bitter about the evolution of the corruption of society, Sheriff Ed Tom Bell plays the official hero clinging to old traditions and reminiscing about the old days in No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy. Delusions of a peaceful utopia during the time his grandpa Jack was a sheriff has left Bell looking at the world through hopeless eyes; a world on its knees with only one explanation for its demise: Satan. Not necessarily a religious man, Sheriff Bell, when asked if he believes in Satan, remarks: â€Å"He explains a lot of things that otherwise don’t have no explanation. Or not to me they don’t†(218). Throughout No County for Old Men, Sheriff Bell is determined to save Llewellyn Moss in order to prove that justice can be served in a world now drenched in decay. Throughout the book and the film adaptation, the audience can see Sheriff Bell, a tormented old man, sink deeper into his bitterness and his hope sizzle away in the Texas heat. The book, No Country for Old Men, switches from first person to third person perspective; the first person perspective coming only from Sheriff Bell. It is with these first person accounts that the reader understands why Bell is saddened by the new world around him. He tells of a story he read in the newspaper about teachers answering a survey of what the biggest problems were with teaching in schools; the biggest problems these teachers could name were: â€Å"talking in class and running in hallways. Chewing gum. Copying homework.†The story in the paper then states that forty years later the survey was given to teachers and the biggest problems were: â€Å"Rape, arson, murder. Drugs. Suicide.†Bell is horrified by this story in the paper and is in disbelief when people tell him he is just â€Å"getting old†w... ... ultimate failure of not being able to protect Moss and his wife, Carla Jean, one can tell that the decision to quit irritates Bell more than anything when he accounts: â€Å"so you could say to me that I aint changed a bit†(282). Ellis reminds Bell about how his uncle Mac died: gunned down by Indians in the old days saying Mac came out with a shotgun. Ellis is letting Ed Tom know that things were violent even in the old days. Ultimately, Bell’s decision to quit is the opposite of what Moss decided to do when presented with the choice of quitting and Bell’s decision leaves him with his life. Bell’s wife, Loretta, asks him if he his quitting while he is ahead; Bell, whose rite of passage is written throughout the entire story and concludes that there is no country for old men, responds: â€Å"no mam I just aim to quit. I aint ahead by a damn sight. I never will be†(298).
Parental Relationships in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Buchi E
Parental Relationships in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Buchi Emecheta’s The Joys of Motherhood Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, and Buchi Emecheta’s The Joys of Motherhood, are two novels that emphasize the complexities of relationships between parents and their children. In Achebe’s story, the protagonist of the novel, Okonkwo, has distant relationships with his children (particularly Nwoye and Ezinma) because their father sees them as inadequate in many ways. Okonkwo has high expectations of his children, especially Nwoye, his eldest son and often finds fault in almost everything he does. Okonkwo resents the fact that the child he feels has the most promise is his daughter Ezinma. Her strength of character is everything he has ever wanted in a son. In Emecheta’s story, Nnu Ego, the protagonist of the novel, dedicates her life to working for the health and happiness of her children. Unlike Okonkwo’s situation, Nnu Ego’s children do not try to seek her approval. In fact, her children, namely Oshia and Adim, are not appreciative o f all the sacrifices she has made for them and even blame her for the family’s misfortunes. Things Fall Apart and The Joys of Motherhood are two telling stories that demonstrate the differing relationships parents and their children can have. One story, shows a father whose children can never meet up to his standards, although the children unsuccessfully strive for his praise. The other story displays a mother whose unappreciative children do not try to seek their mother’s approval, even though she strives to please them in the best way she knows how. Okonkwo is the type of man that has had to work for everything that he has attained in life. His father left him... ... children. Her children do not fully understand nor do they appreciate their mother as much as they should, because as hard as life was for them, Nnu Ego is the reason they are alive. On the other side of the spectrum is Okonkwo, the main character from Things Fall Apart. He is not the type of father who is very caring of his children. In fact, Okonkwo’s only worry for them is that they live up to his expectations. Okonkwo’s children try to please their father but a man of such impossible and illogical standards can never be satisfied. Whether a relationship between parents and children is one of love, struggle, or expectation, the truth remains that no bond is ever perfect. Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart . Oxford: Heinemann Educational Publishers, 1958. Emecheta, Buchi. The Joys of Motherhood. Oxford: Heinemann Educational Publishers, 1979.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Concert Experience and the Song as Oral Tradition :: Communication Literature Essays
The Concert Experience and the Song as Oral Tradition Before the invention of written language that enabled the creation of book technology, the spoken word was the leading edge of communication. Spoken epic poetry such as the Iliad and Odyssey, the Anglo-Saxon Beowulf, and the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh was the content of the speech medium. These epics were created as spoken pieces, and because listeners lacked an alphabet to commodify them (separate them from their performance), the tales had to be heard and experienced first-hand. This group experience of the spoken epic involves what authors Hobart and Schiffman term commemoration: â€Å"In the world before writing, memory is the social act of remembering†(15). The way pre-literate media (speech) shaped culture includes this commemorative act. Pre-literate cultures had no other way of storing information and memory than to relive it. They could not write something down, forget about it, and then relearn the same information at a later date by reading it, because they lacked the technology of the written alphabet necessary to do so. Of course, they had the recollecting powers of the mind alone, but as today's stories, passed from one person to the next inevitably change, so did oral communications as human recollection failed in terms of an exact repetition of the original performance. Hence, each time listeners heard a spoken account of the Iliad, it changed a bit. In terms of an exceptional pre-literate performer of the Iliad or Odyssey, Rober t Fitzgerald goes as far as to say that "He inherited a traditional art comparable in range and refinement to the art of the musical virtuoso in our day, but more creative and fluid, for in some degree it remained an art of improvisation" (484). Mnemonic devices such as rhyme and meter aided memory and kept the story on track (Hobart & Schiffman, 24), and as McLuhan would agree, can be counted as technological advances prior to the invention of alphabet because they extend language technology. An analog to the spoken epic experience is the modern-day concert experience. Both are examples of live performance. For an example, the Rolling Stones' song "Sympathy for the Devil" is more like a spoken epic than a written account of an epic. This is because song and spoken epic utilize the same medium.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Writing Assignment 1
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Writing Assignment 1 A paper submitted to Dr. Rick Garner In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course Discipleship Ministries DSMN 500 By Hershel L. Kreis, Jr. November 4, 2012 Toano, Virginia INTRODUCTION While there are those who may be uncomfortable with the idea that worship is a goal in making disciples, the goal of Christian education according to Mitchell is to make a disciple who worships Jesus.Mitchell points out that worship is more than just showing up at church on Sunday morning for an hour of corporate worship. He points out that worship according to John 4:19 -24 goes much deeper than just that time of corporate worship that we often think of as worship. He points out that worship involves the whole person, mind, body and soul. Anderson states that corporate worship is â€Å"an action of discipling and discipleship†and a â€Å"school for the Lord’s service. Discipleship is just one part of the equation n eeded to assist Christians in spiritual formation to maturity. Christian education also has a role to play. The goal of both discipleship and Christian education is to produce spiritually mature disciples of Christ. Education, as the term is used by Csinos and many others, is used to refer to learning that takes place within churches or schools. Formal Christian education and discipleship can be seen as points along a continuum that is designed to increase the spiritual maturity of believers.Mitchell’s definition of Christian education, when broken down gives a number of clues as to the role it plays in regards to assisting Christians to become more mature in their walk with Christ. When Mitchell speaks of Christian education as â€Å"engaging learners in acquiring the mind and skill sets,†he clearly shows that there has to be a transfer of knowledge in some fashion. Faithful expository preaching allows the Christian to understand how the Bible is not just a collectio n of 66 individualized books, but instead an interlocking mosaic that explains God’s love for man and the relationship between them.Topical preaching is good for learning about particular aspects of faith and what the Bible has to say about the issues that Christians confront in today’s society, but expository preaching is faithful to not only the text, but the context of the passage in light of the entire Bible. But, faithful preaching of God’s Word is not the only way that Christian education is being accomplished. There are still many churches that conduct Sunday schools. These Sunday schools have varied curricula and, as a result, their success as a tool in spiritual formation can vary.For those who use Sunday school curricula provided by a denominational source, they can provide a great deal of information to the Christian as to what the denomination believes and why they believe it. Other formats include topical studies or studies that examine books of the Bible in a manner similar to expository preaching. While Sunday school materials vary, the importance to the individual Christian will also vary. If a class was using a topical study, there may be particular lessons or units that may not apply to all that are in the class.While Sunday schools and corporate worship provide Christian education to believers, they are less intimate than small groups. Small groups are, in many ways, a hybrid of formal Christian education and discipleship, depending on the way in which they are run and the content in which they cover. Some small groups tend to be smaller formal education by doing Bible studies. Other small groups tend to lean more towards discipleship in that they are based on encouragement, accountability and support for the members.These small groups are often termed accountability groups for just that reason. These small groups not only help the Christian learn about the fundamentals of the faith, but also allow others to hold them ac countable to follow Christ in the details of life. Both formal Christian education and small groups help the Christian with â€Å"understanding of the Creator, the created order, and themselves as created in the image of God, while also discovering their contribution and place in God’s Kingdom, as well as their community. †Spiritual formation is always occurring in the Christians life through Christian education as it is the changes in our spiritual maturity as we continue to follow Jesus. This spiritual formation grows at an individual rate depending on the amount of overall Christian education received, either through formal or informal means. The informal Christian education is often thought of as being discipleship in the truest sense of the word. When many think of discipleship, they think of the situation where a mature Christian pours themselves into the life of a less mature Christian in a mentoring role in an informal fashion.The term discipleship has a broad range of meanings in the church today according to Collinson including encouraging a Christian lifestyle, referring to the relationship between a believer and Christ, and helping new believers grow in the spiritual disciplines. A simpler definition may be that â€Å"discipleship means following after Jesus and doing what He says to do. †But discipleship is also seen as a calling, not a program or profession, and a daily living with Jesus. But, the Bible refers to a disciple in three different ways.In the first use of the word, it is nothing more than a person being educated by a teacher, such as in Matthew 10:24 and 13:52. This way of defining a disciple is a life transformation of becoming more like a person’s master, such as seen in Matthew 16:24 or Mark 8:34. A second way is when someone starts the process of becoming a disciple or being a disciple, such as in Matthew 27:57 or Luke 14:26-27. Lastly, there are those who are referred to as disciples that only occasio nally followed Jesus, such as those in Matthew 8:21.Samra summarizes discipleship succinctly by saying that it is the â€Å"process of becoming like Christ. †A one on one discipling relationship allows for the greatest accountability and requires the greatest amount of trust on the part of both individuals. This type of discipleship often is the strongest and most effective to achieve true spiritual growth. While it is quite easy to evade issues that may be struggles in your life while listening to expository preaching or in a Sunday school setting, it is almost impossible when in a one-on-one relationship with another Christian.As a result of the trust that has been developed in the course of the relationship and the permission given by both parties to ask the tough questions of each other, there is no escaping the immense amount of learning that can produce a great deal of spiritual maturity in a new Christian. While the goal of Christian education and discipleship is spir itual formation of the new believer into a true disciple who makes other true disciples, this concept has been watered down in the American church today by emphasis on programs instead of progressive spiritual growth in every member’s life.There are many churches that do not encourage spiritual growth with anything beyond worship services on Sunday morning and evening, Sunday school and possibly a prayer service on Wednesday night. Many churches emphasize education over discipleship as it is easier to do and less labor intensive on the part of church members. Many churches now seem to emphasize numbers of people in the pews at the cost of sacrificing the spiritual growth of its members because there is less vulnerability in a large gathering along with a higher participation rate than in a small group or one-on-one discipleship setting.Churches today are flooded with programs while showing little regards to the process of disciple making. While the church wants spiritual grow th to occur, the most effective way to achieve this is through discipleship. While spiritual growth can take place as a result of conferences, special events or classes, when looking at the biblical precedence for spiritual formation, it was done through discipleship, as shown by the examples of Paul and Jesus.It is important for every church or ministry to evaluate what it is doing from time to time to see if the programs they are participating in are making true disciples, large numbers of spiritual infants or just people who attend church for what they can get out of it instead of what they bring as an offering of their time and talents. Mature Christians hold the key to producing other Christians who will then follow the Great Commission to make disciples, not just followers or church attenders.American churches today are full of attenders and that is why we see the current trend of declining membership throughout the country today. The church should focus on making disciples wh ich over time will turn into true worshipers who worship God in every part of their lives every minute of their lives, not just during the course of a program, event or training offered by the church. Jesus made disciples who changed the world without programs. These disciples demonstrated true worship in their lives and passed it to succeeding generations.Unfortunately, the message has become twisted over time from the simple message of a disciple being one who worships God in spirit and in truth. We must recapture the essence of true discipleship before it is lost forever in the next program or fad proposed by a popular Christian leader, instead of following Jesus’ formula for lasting discipleship. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, E. Byron. â€Å"Worship: Schooling in the Tradition of Jesus. †Theology Today 66, no. 1 (April 2009): 21-32. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012).Collinson, Sylvia. â€Å"Making Disciples and the Christian Faith. †Evangelical Review Of Theology 29, no. 3 (July 2005): 240-50. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). Csinos, David M. â€Å"†Come Follow Me†: Apprenticeship in Jesus' Approach to Education. †Religious Education 105, no. 1 (January 2010): 45-62. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). Grace, W. Madison III. â€Å"True Discipleship: Radical Voices from the Swiss Brethren to Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Today. Southwestern Journal Of Theology 53, no. 2 (March 2011): 135-53. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). Houston, James M. â€Å"The Future of Spiritual Formation. †Journal of Spiritual Formation ;amp; Soul Care 4, no. 2 (September 2011): 131-39. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). Mitchell, Michael R. Leading, Teaching and Making Disciples. Bloomington, Indiana: Crossbooks, 2010. Samra, James G. â€Å"A Biblical View of Discipleship. †Bibliotheca Sacra 160, no. 638 (April 2003): 219-34.ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. . Michael R. Mitchell, Leading, Teaching and Making Disciples (Bloomington, Indiana: Crossbooks, 2010), 262. [ 2 ]. . Ibid. , 265. [ 3 ]. . E. Byron Anderson, â€Å"Worship: Schooling in the Tradition of Jesus,†Theology Today 66, no. 1 (April 2009): 29. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 4 ]. . David M. Csinos, â€Å"†Come Follow Me†: Apprenticeship in Jesus' Approach to Education,†Religious Education 105, no. (January 2010): 51. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 5 ]. . Mitchell, Leading, Teaching and Making Disciples, 242. [ 6 ]. . James M. H ouston, â€Å"The Future of Spiritual Formation,†Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care 4, no. 2 (September 2011): 135. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 7 ]. . Sylvia Collinson, â€Å"Making Disciples and the Christian Faith,†Evangelical Review Of Theology 29, no. 3 (July 2005): 240. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 8 ]. W. Madison Grace III, â€Å"True Discipleship: Radical Voices from the Swiss Brethren to Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Today,†Southwestern Journal Of Theology 53, no. 2 (March 2011): 150. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 9 ]. . Houston, â€Å"The Future of Spiritual Formation,†132. [ 10 ]. . James G. Samra, â€Å"A Biblical View of Discipleship,†Bibliotheca Sacra 160, no. 638 (April 2003): 219. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 29, 2012). [ 11 ]. . Ib id. [ 12 ]. . Ibid. , 219. [ 13 ]. . Ibid. , 220. [ 14 ]. . Ibid. , 225.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Toyota Marketing Strategy
[pic] Introduction 1. Introduction Navana Limited stands as the authorized distributor of Toyota cars in Bangladesh, so we have chosen them to make a successful marketing plan on Toyota cars. Our area of concentration was centered on the new model of Toyota Corolla-GLi. This is the latest car of Toyota Corolla that has been recently launched in Bangladesh by Navana Limited in November 2007 at Japan trade fair in Bangladesh. The brand name Corolla of Toyota is well known for producing cars for the common people but this car is an upgraded model of Corolla. [pic] Company Profile 2. Company Profile 2a. Company Overview Toyota Motor Corporation is a multinational corporation headquartered in Japan. Today, Toyota is the world's third largest manufacturer of automobiles. Providing the most reliable automobile for its customer is the Toyota’s specialty. Toyota Motor Corporation recently celebrated its 70 years both as a carmaker and half a century of selling cars in America. In 2007 Toyota sold 8. 52m vehicles and its net income rose by 20% and become $14 billion. Moreover Toyota is aiming to sell 10. 4m vehicles in 2009. In Bangladesh it is the most popular automobile company to the car user and it has almost 70% market share in our country. It is always interested to get the attention of the young generation, family people, working executives, service holders, business people, in one word all kind of people. â€Å"Its mission†is to predict consumer trends and create a lineup of cars and trucks to capitalize on them. Each professional is expected to spend time out in the field talking to car buyers. The Japanese have a name for it: genchi genbutsu – go to the scene and confirm the actual happenings. With Toyota, one thing has never changed that their commitment to the communities where they do business. Toyota spends over billions of billion on R, design, manufacturing, sales and marketing operations. Over the world they have sales /service offices, financial service offices, R centers, holding company, manufacturing facilities, design centers, Hino operation facilities, Supplier state etc. 2b. History Kiichiro Toyoda, founder of the toyota Motor Corporation, was born in 1894. His father Sakichi Toyoda became famous as he inventor of the automatic loom. Inheriting the spirit of research and creation from his father, Kiichiro devoted his entire life to the manufacturing of cars, which was an unknown frontier at that time. In 1933, Toyoda Automatic Loom Works created a new division devoted to the production of automobiles under the direction of the founder's son, Kiichiro Toyoda. Kiichiro Toyoda had traveled to Europe and the United States in 1929 to investigate automobile production. After years of hard work, he finally succeeded in completing the A1 prototype vehicle in 1935. That was the beginning of the history of the Toyota Motor Corporation. Toyoda Automatic Loom Works was encouraged to develop automobile production by the Japanese government and Model AA passenger car was the first production model of Toyota in 1936. [pic] Replica of the Toyota Model AA, the first production model of Toyota in 1936 Toyota Motor Co. was established as an independent and separate company in 1937. The company was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda as a spinoff from his father's company Toyota Industries to create automobiles. Toyota also owns and operates Lexus and Scion brands. Toyota is headquartered in Aichi, Nagoya and in Tokyo. In addition to manufacturing automobiles, Toyota provides financial services through its division Toyota Financial Services and also creates robots. 2c. Product Line of Toyota Toyota operates in Bangladesh through Navana Group, under Navana Limited. The product line of Toyota’s brand new cars, that are marketed by Navana Limited and are available in Bangladesh are: 1. TOYOTA Yaris 2. TOYOTA Corolla GLi 3. TOYOTA CAMRY 4. TOYOTA Avanza 5. TOYOTA Rav4 6. TOYOTA Fortuner 7. TOYOTA Prado 8. TOYOTA Land Cruiser 9. TOYOTA Hilux 10. TOYOTA Dyna 11. TOYOTA Hiace 12. TOYOTA Coaster [pic] Current marketing situation 3. Current marketing situation There is a huge market for automobile industry worldwide. In this global earth people need to communicate with others each and every minute. Transportation is one way that facilitates communication. The market demand for cars rise and fall time to time, but the demand never fell to the ground. The current market situation of cars is a little unstable for the fact that oil price has risen significantly worldwide that has resulted in a decrease of car sale worldwide. The same has also affected the Bangladeshi market. Different car dealers have reported that car sale has dropped significantly from last year, 2006-2007. There is also a rise in the car due to increase in cost of production. The steel price has risen significantly worldwide. Japan, Taiwan, importers of steel, are giving 27 to 30% more for buying steels. In Bangladesh, the government’s rules and regulation imposed on import, duty and tax has also caused the market of cars to decrease. [pic] Product Profile 4 . Product profile 4 a. Mission, Vision, Objectives & Goal Mission: The mission is to create a luxury vehicle that could go head to head with the world’s best automobiles. Vision: Setting new industry standards in operational excellence, market penetration, customer satisfaction and community commitment. Objective: Corolla GLi is clear in its objective to produce the segments most engaging driving dynamics while maintaining the brands traditional ride quality. Goal: From the outset, it is their goal to develop a luxury flagship vehicle that would be recognized as one of the finest cars in the world. 4 b. Products quality and features, design, packaging, brand name, extra services Brand name: Corolla GLi Features And Quality: ? Powerful performance: Responsive and quick to please, the Corolla effortlessly generates the power for driving pleasure, delivering subtly smooth and stable performance. ? Advanced technology: The Corolla generates outstanding power, minimizes its environmental impact, and provides warm reassurance. Wti technology: Based on driving conditions, it optimally changes the open/close timing of the intake valve, contributing to increased torque and output, better fuel economy and reduced Nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbon emissions. ? Crash safety body: It is comprised of a high integrity cabin with front and rear crumple zones that help absorb impact energy in a collision. ? Suspension: The Macpherson strut suspension on the front and torsion beam suspension on the rear were fine-tuned to provide excellent stability and control, and ride comfort. Keyless entry system: It lets to lock and unlock the doors from a distance. ? Moon roof: It incorporates one touch mode and a jam-protected system. ? Rear spoiler: The rear spoiler integrated into the trunk lid adds a sporty touch. ? Anti corrosion steel sheeting: The extensive use of anti corrosion steel sheeting protects the Corolla from rust, helping it to keep its goods looks for years to come. ? Immobiliser system: It provides security against theft. The car can only be started when the ID in the electronic matches the ID code in the engine immobiliser system. Fuel Level warning ? Wireless door lock ? Audio – AM/FM, CD Changer, 6 spk. ? Child protector ? Brake control valve – EBD Design ? Highly functional design: The ergonomics-based design of the instrument panel with its easy-to-use switches engages the driver, providing comfortable opera tion that enhances driving enjoyment. Convenient functional features and various integrated storage spaces enhance comfort ? Dynamic and advanced: With its dynamic and advanced design creating a high quality feeling, the Corolla continues winning hearts and minds right around the world. Sophisticated presence: First impressions are compelling. The short-nose, long-deck proportions highlight the advanced sedan styling. Together with its expensive cabin space, it exudes a distinctive presence. ? Generous appearance: The captivating design creates a feeling of great possibility. The wide tread and generous appearance set the stage for the spacious cabin. ? Refined interior details: The Corolla’s attention to details includes the distinctive curved design of the center console, the use of colors and textures, and the quality finish. Brakes: Disc brakes on all four wheels, ventilated on the front, are standard for all grades, giving sure stopping performance. ? Windshield Glass â €“ Green Laminated ? Outside rear view mirror ? Color Oxygen Sensor ? Head Rest – Front & Rear ? Rear Armrest – with Cup holder ? Inside Rear view mirror – Day & Night Colors available in Bangladesh ? Super White 2 ? Silver Metallic ? Blue Metallic ? Turquoise Mica Metallic ? Red Mica Metallic ? Grey Metallic ? Black Mica Packaging: It creates a spacious, comfortable cabin with excellent headroom, together with ample trunk space. Engine: The compact, lightweight engine integrates sophisticated technologies, which contribute to its excellent performance and low fuel consumption. Extra Service ? Immobiliser system: It provides security against theft. The car can only be started when the ID in the electronic matches the ID code in the engine immobiliser system. ? Keyless entry system: It lets to lock and unlock the doors from a distance. ? CD changer 4 c. Products position in the market compare to other product of the company with BCG growth matrix Boston Consulting groups (BCG)’s growth share matrix is a table that gives an idea about about market growth rate compare to relative market share. The market growth rate on the vertical axis indicates the growth rate of the market in which the business operates. And the relative market share on the horizontal axis indicates the market share compare to the other segments. It serves as a measure of the company’s strength in that market segment For BCG growth matrix, we have selected four models of Toyota Cars to analyze GLi’s position in market compare to other models. Models are- 1. Corolla GLi 2. Probox 3. Yaris 4. Crown | |Relative Market Share | | | |High Low | | | | | |Market High | |Growth | |Rate | | | |Low | HighLow High Figure: BCG Growth Matrix Our analysis on Corolla GLi compare to others is described below- Star: According to our observation, Probox falls into the position of Stars in the matrix table. Recently, Probox has reached at peak point in terms of selling. That is why their market growth rate is very high as well as market share. From the Bangladesh perspective, the demand of this car has increased so the company is trying to hold this position Question Mark: Corolla GLi falls under the category of this position. Because it is totally a new brand in Bangladesh, but has got very rapid sale within a short period of time. Therefore, their market growth rate is in the high position. On the other hand, as a new brand market share is not so high till now. Cash Cow: When market growth rate is low along with high market share then the product fall under this category. From our point of view, Yaris falls in to this position. Because present market growth rate of Yaris is not that much high compare to other though their market share is high. Dogs: In this position, both the market growth rate and market share is low. According to our observation, Crown falls into Dogs position in the matrix table. This is the model, which has less demand in Bangladesh that is why their market share is also low. 4 d. Market segmentation process Market segments are large identifiable groups within a market. There are four basic bases for segmenting consumer market. These variables can be used singly or in combination. These are- 1. Geographic segmentation 2. Demographic segmentation 3. Behavioral segmentation 4. Psychographic segmentation Now, considering Corolla GLi, we find that they also segment their market into groups based on the above segmentations. For this segmentation process, firstly they study the market and customers demand. They complete this process by analyzing the competitors’ products, segmentation as well as customers demand. The process is described below- Geographic segmentation: It is the process of dividing the market into different geographical units, such as country, city, nation, state, region etc. The company can operate in one or few geographic areas, or operate in all but pay attention to local variations. From Corolla GLi’s point of view that they segment their market based on – †¢ Country: In order to cover the whole world’s market they launch their product in different countries. To do so, in 2007 they first launch this model in Bangladesh. City: After selecting the country, they target those cities where they find more customer demands and wants. They actually select the cities after analyzing the purchasing power, living standard and so on. Demographic Segmentation: In this segmentation the market is divided in to groups on the basis of variables such as age, family size, life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education etc. These variables are the most popular bases for distinguishing customer groups. From corolla GLi point of view, they segment their market depending on income and occupation mostly and others have less affect in this segmentation part. As we know that they firstly go for market study to know customers demand as well as their purchasing power. For this purpose, they target those customers who have high income as well as in top position in their occupation to match whether they can afford this car or not. Behavioral segmentation: In this segmentation buyers are divided in to groups on the basis of their knowledge, attitude toward the product, use of, or response to a product. The behavioral variables are occasions, benefit, user status etc. If we look at the Corolla GLi’s segmentation process, we can see that they mainly focus on benefit variables and customers attitude toward the products. In benefit variables consumers actually look for products quality, services, economy, and speed. Therefore, corolla GLi is providing high quality, extra ordinary services along with high economic value to meet the customer demands. Moreover some customer’s attitude is to prefer branded products. They are basically quality concern people not price sensitive. Psychographics segmentation: In this segmentation the market is divided in to groups on the basis of life style, personality and social class. As we have mentioned earlier that GLi is a branded product targeting the upper class people so social class, life style, and personality play an important role in this segmentation. The people who are in the upper class and lead a luxurious life style they want such type of car that represent their status, image and pride in the society. Here corolla GLi holds all the characteristics that make satisfy these groups of customers. In addition, the customers who are ambitious, outgoing, demanding, compulsive and want to show a unique image may also buy this car as a symbol of attractiveness. Thus these four basic parts of segmentation process helps them to identify the proper customer demands and market. 4 e. Target market selection process After the segmentation process marketers identify one or more selected areas to enter into the market, this is known as target market selection process. There are different patterns of target market selecting. These are- 1. Single segment concentration: Producing one product for one selected market. 2. Selective specialization: Offering different product for different market. Here, one sector can be covered by other. 3. Product/service specialization: Offering one product for all groups of people in order to minimize cost. 4. Market specialization: Offering different product for one selected market. 5. Full market coverage: Marketers try to cover full market by offering different products for different market. After analyzing the five patterns of target market selection, we can say that Corolla GLi follows the Single segment concentration. Because- ? They don’t have any other sub model of GLi. It indicates that they are producing only one product. ? Also they are producing this product targeting only one group of people, which are the upper class people. From Corolla GLi point of view, they select their target market by considering the customer’s demand like- what feature, design, and benefit they want. Last of all, they try to match these with the customer ability and purchasing power. As it is mentioned earlier that they are following single segment concentration so the benefits for selecting this pattern are mentioned below- ? Through the Single segment concentration, marketers gain a strong knowledge of the segments need and achieve a strong market presence. ? With the help of Single segment concentration they can increase their sale, which can earn a high return on its investment. 4 f. Types of Consumer behavior Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. There are four typical types of buying behavior based on the type of products that intends to be purchased. These are- Complex buying behavior: It is a buying behavior where the individual purchases a high value brand and seeks a lot of information before the purchase is made. In this process, buyer first develops belief about the product then develops attitude about the product and lastly makes a thoughtful choice. Variety-seeking buying behavior: It is a buying behavior where the individual likes to shop around and experiment with different products. Here brand switching occurs for the sake of variety rather than dissatisfaction and look for cheaper price. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior: It is a buying behavior when buyer is highly involved with the purchase of the product. There exists little difference between existing brands, so customers become confused. Habitual buying behavior: It is a buying behavior where the individual buys a product out of habit e. g. a daily newspaper, sugar or salt etc. After analyzing the above point it is quite clear that Corolla GLi car buyers are following complex buying behavior, because they are highly involved in purchase and aware of significant difference among brands. We know that this car is expensive, risky and self- expressive so buyer buy infrequently. Furthermore, this type of customers buy car by differentiating the products with other significant brands like- Mercedes, BMW. Here, Corolla marketers also compare their product with BMW, Mercedes. Mainly, customers are concern about brand not price so they look for brand’s benefits and quality, which will show the symbol of pride, status in the society. 4 g. Steps in the consumer buying behavior Consumer Buying Behavior: It refers to the buying behavior of final consumers- individual and households, who buy goods and services for personal consumption. There are five steps by which consumer buying behavior pass through- Fig: Steps of consumer buying behavior Likewise, to buy Corolla GLi consumers may through all the steps. These are explained below- Need Recognition: In this step a consumer become aware of a problem or need. As we have mentioned earlier that Corolla GLi is a car of status, reputation, image and so on. When people reach that level where they feel to have such a prestigious car, they are in the need recognition stage. So they want such a brand new car, which will higher up their position in the society as well as match with their societal status. Information Search: When customers become aware of the need, they go for information search. They can collect information from various sources, such as personal, commercial, public sources etc. In personal sources, they can collect reliable information from their friends and others who have Corolla GLi or may know well about this car. ? They also can go for visiting Toyota show rooms in order to collect more accurate information, which refers as commercial sources. ? Print & elect ronic media, advertisement, billboard, Internet etc can also act as public sources in order to provide information to customers. Evaluation of Alternatives: In this stage, the consumers form preferences among the brands in the choice set. After completing the information search stage, customers look for competitive brand information by which they can evaluate the brands with each others. Here customers also evaluate Corolla GLi with other brand new cars and try to find out significant differences among them. They compare the brand image, features, services, speed, design, and other facilities and benefits among the alternatives. Purchase Decision: After completing the evaluation process, the select the most preferred brand which is suitable for them and then they decide to buy the product. In the case of Corolla Gli, after evaluating all the alternatives the pick Corolla GLi as it is fitted from all perspective. Attitudes of others who already have Corolla GLi, plays an important role to take the purchase decision. And then go for final consumption. Post-purchase Behavior After purchasing the product, consumers will experience some level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. In the case of Corolla Gli, consumer may try to figure out their satisfaction level. Whether the car’s perceived performance is satisfactory or not. 4 h. Product Life cycle stage determination [pic] Corolla GLi was launched in November 2007 in Bangladesh it went through the introduction stage with great success and now it is in the growth stage the features, quality and brand name of the car are attracting more and more potential buyers day by day. 4 i. SWoT analysis SWOT stands for internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Opportunities and Threats. It is used to gauge the degree of â€Å"fit†between the organizations’s strategies and its product and to suggest ways in which the organization can profit from strengths and opportunities and shield itself against weaknesses and threats. [pic] Strengths ? Brand new product ? It represents luxurious life style and symbol of status. ? Showing reliability by the company name Toyota. ? Using WT-i technology Weakness ? Since it is one of the models of corolla so some people may have misperception about GLi as a new brand. ? Because of the mentioned reason also GLi still don’t have own Brand image. ? No product line and variation in model. Opportunities ? Offering product, which is equivalent to other luxuries car. ? Attracting new customer by providing quality product. Threat Entrance of new competitors. ? Government regulations (new or revised). [pic] Pricing for Corolla Gli 5. Pricing for Corolla Gli 5a. Price A firm sets prices when it develops a new product, whe n it introduces its regular product into a new distribution channel or geographical area, when it adds new features in the product, etc. Price is the only element in the marketing mix that generates revenue the other element generates cost. Price is considered as the major determinant of buyer choice especially in the poorer nation and with commodity type products. Companies set their prices in different ways based on cost, value, competitors, customers, etc. Each pricing strategy is different from the. Cost based pricing strategy is where the organization set prices based on cost of production with that amount a certain markup is added for the profit and the product is sold. Competitors based pricing strategy depends on the price of the competitors what they would charge for the product for this pricing strategy the organization either charges same or low price than the competitors. 5b. Pricing strategy of Toyota Corolla Gli Toyota mainly follows cost based pricing strategy for the entire car it manufactures for the luxurious car it follows both cost based pricing strategy and value based pricing strategy. They deliver the value promised by their value proposition and the customer perceives the value. To communicate and enhance perceived value in buyers mind Toyota uses other marketing mix elements such as advertising and sales force. Value based pricing depends on the product performance, quality, features, customer service, etc. For Corolla GLi Toyota uses both cost based and value based pricing strategy as this is one of the most luxurious cars of Toyota. Navana is the only importer in Bangladesh who buys Corolla GLi from Toyota. Initially when the car was launched it was sold at a price of 1950000 taka but now as duty fee has increased and international currency fluctuated the price of Corolla GLi is now 2250000 taka. For the pricing of this car Toyota is also following other pricing strategies they are price skimming strategy which is they are charging maximum price as it is a new product, the demand of this car is already present in other countries and the buyers are also willing to pay any price to buy this car. It is following premium pricing which is charging high price for the high quality car . It is also following the optional product pricing e. g. for with the car Toyota is providing a luxorious comfortable interior with leather seats, cd player, etc. Therefore Final price is determined with all these strategies plus the cost of import, duty fee, the cost of shipment and the markup of Navana. pic] Distribution for Corolla Gli 6. Distribution for Corolla Gli 6a. Distribution or location strategy Most producers do not sell their goods directly to final consumers they use channels or marketing intermediaries to deliver their product to the ultimate consumers. By using intermediaries the cost of the producers and their number of transaction decreases. 6b. Channel dynamics †¢ Conventional marketing system- manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer work as independent system. No one has control over the other. Each member of the channel has separate objectives. †¢ Vertical marketing system- all the members of the channel work as a unified team. Hybrid marketing system- when the product is sold by using more than one channel 6c. Distribution of Toyota Toyota has distributors in almost every country. In Bangladesh the main distributor of Toyota is Navana. Navana performs many functions of Toyota. They gather information about potential and current customers of Bangladesh about the government policy and other external factors and communicate the information to Toyota. They make people of Bangladesh aware of the new cars their features and benefits e. g. to promote Corolla Gli Navana used print media, internet, etc for advertisement. They communicate with the customers dir ectly and sell the cars. As Toyota uses Just-in-time approach to some extent they depend on their distributors as the distributors provide them information about customers demand or about the cars of the competitors and Toyota produce their cars accordingly. Toyota and Navana together follows the Vertical marketing system where they work as a unified team. If Toyota wants to launch a new car in Bangladesh they provide Navana with all the information about the car Navana then analyzes the current marketing situation about the competitors and orders as per demand which is then delivered after 5months through shipment. Navana is an exclusive distributor of Toyota they are given full authority to sell the cars of Toyota. [pic] Promotional tools 7. Promotional tools Every company has to sell their products to their desire customers. For that they need to communicate with them. In this circumstances every company use some promotional tools to sell their product. As Toyota selling specialty product GLI car, they are also using some promotional tools to capture more and more market share. 7 a. Objective of promotional activity Toyota has some certain objectives behind their promotional activities. Those ares- ? Giving information about the product ? What’s new in features and benefits ? Trying to create brand value of GLI ? Ultimate increase of market share 7 b. Promotional tools of corolla GLI Toyota using three basic promotional tools to promote Corolla GLI. ? Advertising ? Personal selling ? Direct marketing Advertising Advertising is the paid form of non-personal presentation by an individual organization to promote their products towards their customers. Toyota gives advertisement of their product through different media to promote their products towards their customers. Toyota using paper and bill board for their advertising. They go for billboards which are situated in Bijoy Shoroni, Manik Mia Avenue, Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Gulshan 1 & 2, infront of Shonargoan Hotel, Dhanmondi 27, Newmarket. In Chittagong – Newmarket, Port city, Nasira bad and Kulshi etc. Personal selling Toyota using personal selling tools to sell and promote corolla GLI. Personal selling is the direct way to connect with customers. Toyota first introduce GLI in Japan trade fair, it’s a way of personal selling. Also Under personal selling they go for corporate selling and they target bank and company high ranked personalities to buy their product. It’s a very effective form of selling corolla GLI. Direct marketing Direct marketing is another tool that used by Toyota to aware about GLI to their customers. Direct marketing is way of marketing where, there are no physical contacts with the customers. They did E-mail campaign to promote GLI as direct marketing. 7 c. Media used by Toyota As Toyota wants to sell their product GLI, they use some media to provide their message to their desired customers. Toyota uses both personal and nonpersonal communication channels to promote GLI. ? Personal communication channels Personal communication channels involve two or more person communicating directly with each other face to face, person to audience, over the phone or through mail, where company get the opportunity to receive feedback from customers etc. To promote GLI Toyota uses face to face, person to audience and mail as personal communication channels. Also word of mouth behavior acting as personal communication channel. ? Nonpersonal communication channels Nonpersonal communication include media, atmosphere and event, where no face to face communication occur. Moreover no opportunity to get feedback from the customers. Toyota uses print media, bill boards, car show etc as nonpersonal communication channel. 7 d. Media budget One of the most difficult marketing decision is determining how much to spend on promotion. There are some common methods of determining media budget. Those are affordable method, percentage on sales method, competitor’s parity method and objective and task method. From these Toyota is using a combine approach of affordable and objective-task method. But before that they are estimating the budget depending on product life, quantity and brand value. For GLI, Navana the authorized distributor of Toyota budgeted 20-30 lakh for the current year. 7 e. Advertisement effect on sales Toyota marked GLI as a successful project in Bangladesh. To become successful Toyota is doing a lot of promotional activities. They also found positive effect on their sales from their promotional activities. As a result they able to sell 300 to 350 Gli car within 8 months. It’s a great achievement in term of selling luxury sedan. Toyota is very successful in term of their promotional activities. Also they use different types of promotional tools to become successful in Bangladeshi competitive car selling market. [pic] Problem Identification Car is marked as specialty product and also perceived as luxurious product in our country. So it’s a bit difficult to maintain a luxurious product like Toyota GLI in every segment of marketing. Although it’s a very successful project of Toyota in Bangladesh but they faced some problems. 1. Perceived value of corolla in customers mind Customers of Bangladesh perceived that corolla is a brand of common people. As GLI is a sedan of corolla segment, customers perceived that it’s not a high branded car. Although it is a corolla segment car but it is a high grade car of corolla then other corolla cars. As customers think it is a common brand car they don’t want to buy it on that amount of value. So it’s become a huge marketing problem for corolla GLI. 2. Brand name GLI Basically GLI doesn’t have any meaning. But customers want to know the meaning of it. So it creates some sort of problem to give the proper answer of meaning of GLI. 3. High price GLI is a car of high grade, so it’s a high price car. As more people wants to buy affordable car they don’t want to buy it at a high price. Also some don’t want to buy a corolla branded product at a high value. So the high price of the car creates some sort of problem. 4. Off stock delivery time Toyota uses Just in time inventory system. So they manufacture product only on demand. If the stock of GLI car comes to an end then it needs 120 day to delivery the product again through shipment. So off stock delivery time is a problem of Toyota for any car as well for GLI. 5. Rapid growth of competitors high branded cars Previously, the Bangladeshi car market was captured by Toyota. But in term of luxurious and high branded car, now Nissan, Honda and Mitsubishi entered the market with a great deal. So market becomes competitive and it’s a new problem for Toyota in Bangladeshi market. 6. Import of recondition cars Huge amount of recondition cars are importing from Japan to our country. So the new branded cars are loosing their appeal in the market. 7. Unstable car import and duty law and regulation Car import and duty law is very unstable in our country. It creates hazard for the company to do their business smoothly. Toyota is facing some problems regarding GLI. They are also trying their best to solve those problems. Moreover they marked these problems positively and from the GLI experience they will able to avoid these hazards for their up coming projects. 9. Recommendations 1. Customers perceived value- To overcome this situation marketers need to increase the brand value of Corolla GLi. They can increase brand value by adding more features than other Corolla cars, or even compared to the competitors same level cars. They can utilize the brand equity of Toyota cars that prevails in the market. They can highlight the brand GLi besides Toyota Corolla. They can differentiate GLi from other Corolla. They can differentiate GLi from other Corolla line extensions by highlighting the existing features. They can introduce new designs in terms of color, body kits etc; new features and also extra facilities. 2. High price- As the price of Corolla GLi is high; to overcome this situation marketers can add more value to the product rather than cutting the price. They can have value addition to the product- a. perceived value in terms of brand image. b. tangible value- marketers can introduce new features and design by producing new colors, body kits etc. They can avail more extra facilities and benefits in the car. 3. Though the management philosophy of Toyota that is the Just-in- time approach is not a current problem but rather is referred as a potential problem in the long run. Our recommendation would be to study and be informed about the market demand all the time to avoid any situation of being out of stock. 4. The rapid growth of competitors branded cars is a great threat to Toyota worldwide as well as in Bangladesh. The marketer should always be aware of bringing in, what are the benefits that will be available etc and plan accordingly to reduce the threat of being out of model or even out of market. References & Bibliography www. amartoyota. com www. toyota. com www. toyotahistory. com www. toyotacarzone. com Marketing Management-Philip Kotler 11th edition, Prentice Hall Advertising Principle & Practice – William Wells and Sandra Moriarty, 7th edition, Prentice Hall. www. bdnewspaper. com â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Star (Probox) Question Mark (Corolla GLi) Cash Cow (Yaris) Dogs (Crown) H igh Low Involvement Involvement Significant difference Between brands Few difference Between brands Complex Buying Variety Seeking buying Habitual buying Dissonance Reducing Buying Purchase Decision Post-purchase Behavior Evaluation of Alternatives Information Search Need Recognition Time Product Develop- ment Introduction Profits Sales Growths Maturity Decline Losses/ Investments ($) Sales and Profits ($) GLi
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