Friday, May 31, 2019
Australian Legal Case: The Mabo Case :: Papers
Australian Legal Case The Mabo Case The Mabo model commenced in the late 70s about an Aborigine Eddie Mabo who fought for his land on Murray Island, startle of the Torres Strait. The issue that started the court case was when Mr Mabo appealed for a permit from the Queensland Government to visit the island. His proposal was declineed so he was unable to return home to visit his homeland. In 1981, in James Cook University where Eddie Mabo was working at the time, the students called a discussion on land rights in Australia. It was decided at the conference that the issue of a land claim by the Murray Islanders to traditional title would be taken to the High Court. With major local party support, including legal experts with significant experience in land rights legislation they set off to claim that Mabo had the right to visit his homeland.. The aim of the case was to make the law decide that the Islanders owned the land not the Euopeans IMAGE The cas e was motioned to the High Court at first, however they had to take it to their State Court the independent Court of Queensland first. The Queensland Government acted in response and they passed an unexpected tour of legislation through the House without any debate - the Torres Strait Islands Coastal Islands Bill. The Act quoted Any rights that Torres Strait Islanders had to land after the claim of sovereignty in 1879 is herewith extinguished without compensation. This was how the Mabo case started with an honourable aim. The main aim of the case was to prove that the Queensland Government breached the Bill breached the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975. It was also a case to make the Commonwealth government aware that Native Australians had the right to the so called terra nullius, the name given to Australia when the Europeans first arrived meaning empty land. The case went back to the Supreme Court of Queensland where Justice Moynihan gave a presenta tion of the facts of the case.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Stock :: essays research papers
Reading JournalWeek 7Soldiers HomeThe whole emphasis of this story lies in the life of a young solider who had served his purpose to his country and returned home only to find the closest place to his hart change dramatically forward his eyes. The war has changed him and because of that change he has never completely recovered and event felt left out by everyone in the city except for his sis and his mom. His father was the man he feared and didnt like as the story revels and when we find out that his father let him use the car for the first snip we can see that as the attempt by the father to strengthen the bond but it is too late, because now the solider feels like all this is just a pathetic attempt by his mother to make his father do something for him hes own son. Week 9I Wondered Lonely as a CloudThis paper explores the purpose and usage of flowers in poetry using William Wordsworths "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" as an example. It focuses on Wordsworths choice of w ords and also on the greater profound concept that he is trying to depict. The first part of the paper focuses on interpreting the poem. It shows how Wordsworth articulately uses figurative language, imagery, and personification to describe a scenic display of daffodils. The second part of the paper offers an analysis of the poem. In particular, it examines the concept of the futility of the individual when compared to the collective fair of society, as shown in the context of man versus nature.Pied Beauty Gerards belief in an omnipotent Creator enabled him to see an especial beauty in the world of Nature - the unpredictable, untamed patterns of the wilderness combining to form a whole far greater than the sum of its parts, glorious and true. But what sets his verse apart from thehordes (I use the word advisedly) of Victorian nature poets was his ability to merge form and content to such a degree of utter perfection - his poetry _sounds_ rightfulness his w ord-paintings leap off the printed page without traversing the intervening bridge of ordinary meaning.Consider the structure of todays poem - theres a riot of assonance and alliteration, but its combined with a an unusually high consonant-density theres a strong underlying rhythm in the pattern of the stresses, but its never plodding or weighty (indeed, the variations in the feminine syllables ensure that the verse is kept flexible and clean) the rhymes, though strictly enforced, are kept from becoming monotonous by an unusual rhyme scheme.
music in education and health :: essays research papers
MUSIC AS A TEACHING AND HEALING TOOLMusic is a remarkable tool to be consumptiond to dramatically increase learning and healing in the classroom. Its successful role has been documented throughout the academic community, yet, its use has not been widely utilized by teachers. Since Aristotle, medicinal drug has been considered one of the forces used to teach. Moreover, for more than half a century the psychiatric and the educational communities have studied, examine and implemented the use of music as a healing tool and as a way to leaven the mental capacities of their respective group of studies. It has been observed in controlled settings that certain type of classical music would enhance the students concentration time.The specific issues addressed by the study and practice of music has been divided into specific areas of the mental process. For example, learning a musical instrument helps the students the skill of repetition as a method to learn and to recollect information. creativity and imagination also are improved when the student or the patient is taught basic concepts of musical composition. It is believed that music unleashes creative forces within a human macrocosm that are only accessed with artistic endeavors. Even abstract traits like sensibility are retrieved with music studies and the practice of a musical instrument. There is a weak connection between learning and music that teachers should exploit in the learning environment, regardless of the age of the student. Music could be used effectively from the time the shaver is in the womb and right through the formative years.While addressing the healing benefits of music it is noted the array of uses for this art. Every body in all aspects of life, to enhance moods, to depress moods, to pacify, or to reminisce, uses music. Clinicians have experimented with this art for various decades. Psychiatric patience are administered a dose of soothing music to lower the anxiety levels. view mana gers utilize it to energize the work place. Learning centers use baroque music to enhance memory skills. Health experts praise the rewards of music in the digestive and aboriginal nervous systems, the enhancement of attention spans of patients of HDD and in addition promote interaction in persons who struggle with their self-esteem. Some specialists even use the term music therapy when employ it to treat certain cognitive or emotional problems. Music as a therapeutic tool is not only restricted the use of put down material or the playing of musical instruments.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Educational Philosophy :: essays research papers
Educational Philosophy Throughout the years the topic of an American public statement has been a in truth controversial subject. Since the time of the early Massachusetts Bay Colony, many have been divided on the role, if any, the government should play in educating Americas children. at that place has also been debate on the type of education American children, and teachers should have. Although, there has been tremendous progress in creating an ideal public education, there is relieve an ever-evolving need for change in Americas public educational system. This paper strives to focus on this matter. First, it will look at the history of American education, beginning with colonial America to the present day. It will also examine Americas philosophy of education over the years. And lastly, it shall give insight on my personal views of an ideal educational system. The New World was grouped in three geographic categories, consisting of the southern, middle and New England colonies. S ince the southern colonies depended on an agrarian preservation dominated by a plantation system based on slavery, there were great distances between each house and plantation making it was kind of difficult to establish schools for all. For this reason learning occurred mostly in the home, by parents or tutors. For the slaves in the southern colonies, there was very little education because their miss of education was used as a to maintain their present state of ignorance. Most of the settlers in the southern colonies arrived as indentured servants, and were of English lower or middle-class background. However, once arriving to the New World these same English men became the new aristocrats of the southern colonies. S. Alexander Rippa notes, family fortune and great wealth were accumulated by land acquisition and tobacco growingthese were the quickest ways to prosperity (Rippa, 6). In the southern colonies, religion was not a focal matter as it once was in England. The Anglican Church was a primary institution were governmental matters were handled instead of religious matters. Therefore, we see that religion was not as serious to the southern settlers and it did not serve as an instrument of civic discipline as it was for the other colonies. In the other colonies, religious matters was the main reason for education, however, education in the southern colonies was considered to be a private and individual concern instead of a civil or religious matter. The Anglican Church, to which the southern colonists formally adhered, was not indifferent toward education.
In Defense of the Study of Cryonics Essay -- Healthcare, Science
Ferraris, Corvettes, large estates, gold dusted ice creams, or even hundred sawhorse socks all have something in common they are all luxurious desires. However is cryonics, the butt a take upst of preserving ones body for the hopes of future medical treatments to save, a mere high life? Can no one find a real need to utilize cryonics? Does cryonics have any intrinsic value to society as a whole? Many believe that cryonics is just an indulgence for rich people (Alcor). Cryonics, in fact, can do much more than fulfill ones self interest.Cryonics is the process in which anti-freeze like liquid is circulated through the body and then frozen in order to preserve a human body at low-spirited temperatures for an indefinite amount of time. The frozen body can then be brought back and worked on if medicine advances to the point of reviving a dead body. Cryonics, including the gold and research gained through it, can help beyond the individual and all the way to the advancement of the fie ld of medicine. The problem with cryonics, however, is not cryonics itself but the lack of experience of the benefits of it. Due to this lack of knowledge, many people develop negative views on cryonics which include the assumption that cryonics is primarily self-indulgent, as stated above. These negative views, which have been some since the very beginning, allow for the dismissal of cryonics as a luxury that can be defined simply as the preservation of dead bodies and, as a result, many are turned off by it and its principles (Alcor). If this problem persists, not only does the field of cryonics suffer, the medical field does to. By utilizing techniques found in cryonics, accredited aspects of the medical field can advance at the same rate as cryonics. The solut... ...l, the public will gain knowledge that is often neglected when the emulation talks against cryonics that of the benefits of cryonics. Additionally, negative views on cryonics will be amended through an increase of knowledge in cryonics and, ultimately, cryonics will gain more supporters. If a gain in supporters of cryonics occurs, more research and money can be put into advancing the techniques of cryonics. As a result of this, other disciplines of medicine, such as harmonium transplanting, can utilize techniques in cryonics and further develop their own methods to benefit society. Nothing should be judged without having all the information about it presented, cryonics is no exception. Make this instruction available, and much more comprehensive views will be gained. Dont you think its time to stop focusing on the negativity and start learning about the benefits?
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
My Passion for Business Essay -- Admissions Essay, College Application
There are many dreams revolving around us, some that bet impossible to reach and other that are easily grasped. The diversity of this world is great, and not one person has the same story to tell as some other including me.Ever since I can remember I have been finding ways to be independent my own women, or in this case, little lady. I would always try to do things my own way. There is a huge list of examples that I could give, but I have decided to discuss what I believe to be the one that would bring out a bit of awe and an understanding of what type of person I have been since a child. When I was younger, around the age of four, I would gather all of my toys that I possibly could. After a great amount accumulated, I would place them on blankets in the playground of our apartment. Then I would lay out papers by each toy with a price that I thought was fair but that would also bring in some, mullah for me. At the end of the day all of my toys were sold to the children that ga thered in the playground and I was able to buy fresh better toys with the earnings I had made.I ...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Financial Institutions Essay
The best financial mental institution for the high debt and high income professionals looking to obtain insurance and enthronization advice and services is a financial planning services company much(prenominal) as Ameriprise Financial. Financial planning looks at life events and life goals such as retirement and estate planning and offers advice and provides products to help meet those goals. Many financial planning services companies also offer loans and deposit banking accounts. Generally one vocalism who is licensed to sell insurance, investments, and loans will work with this couple throughout their relationship with the company.The representatives goal is to periodically review changes in life events and deepen the couples insurance and investment portfolio to meet their changing goals and objectives. For this couple, the representative may suggest a product that combines insurance and investment such as an annuity or universal life insurance. The couple empennage establi sh a relationship with a financial services firm in a local branch or through an interactive website maintained by the company. In some cases the bank that they are already established with may imbibe a financial planning division that they can access in the local branch or through the bank website.Scenario B The best financial institution for a scholar looking to establish a checking or saving account, establish extension, and develop a relationship with a financial institution should consider a impute union. A credit union is similar to a bank in that it offers deposit accounts and loan programs, but differs from banks in that credit unions are non-profit organizations that are owned and operated by members as opposed to being owned by stockholders and operated by executive boards.Credit unions principally offer higher(prenominal) interest rates on savings accounts, lower fees on checking accounts, and lower interest rates on loans and credit fares. Credit union membership i s generally tied to an organization such as a labor union, many large corporations have employee credit unions, some churches or communities have credit unions for members. This student can establish a credit union relationship through parents or may become employed in a local billet that offers credit union membership as an employee benefit. Organizations like the Credit Union National Association provides resources and information for consumers.Scenario C The best financial institution for a small business owner who needs multiple deposit and checking accounts, investment services, and access to branches in other cities should consider a national bank such as Bank of America that has branches nationwide as well as online account access. Bank of America, and similar national banks, offer online payroll processing, credit card processing for retailers, and provide businesses with the option of importing bank statement information into popular accounting software formats such as Qui cken, QuickBooks, and Microsoft Money.National banks have departments utilize to small business lending and offer various types of Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. They also have services to meet the needs of specialty industries including backing and leasing partnerships with auto dealers. The business owner can establish a relationship with a banking professional at a local branch or can establish accounts online. National banks generally have extensive, interactive websites which provide information and guidance on establishing the business banking relationship.References Ameriprise Financial. Financial planning advice and financial advisors. Retrieved March 11, 2009, from http//www. ameriprise. com/default-home . asp Bank of America. Small business loans, payroll services & other small business services. Retrieved March 11, 2009, from https//www. bankofamerica. com/smallbus iness/index. jsp Credit Union National Association, Consumer Info. Americas credit unions whe re people are worth more than money. Retrieved March 11, 2009, from http//www. creditunion. coop/what_is_a_ cu. html
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Profit Leverage Effect of Logistics and Cost Saving Opportunities Essay
Logistics was initially a military term but since the 1960s it has grown and covers various numbers of functional areas much(prenominal) as managing raw materials and inventory, handling of work in progress, storing and delivering of finished goods. It also includes customer service, demand forecasting, plant/warehouse site selection, traffic and transportation. Since it has an effect on most of the activities held in spite of appearance an organization, it has a great influence on the profits made. A recent US study found that logistics accounts for 10% of the Gross internal Profit (GDP) and that approximately 56 cents out of every dollar of revenue is spent on managing the purchasing of goods and services. The process is lengthy but once handled regenerate buttocks run very smoothly and mickle prove very beneficial to the organization.An organization cannot be hawkish and strive in this fiercely competitive corporate world till it delivers end products or services of the des ired quality to its customers at the right time, right place and at a worth the customer feels is reasonable. The way to sustainable competitive edge lies in improving logistics. Therefore to maintain profit earnings, it is important for firms to manage logistics efficiently.If a chosen supplier fails to deliver the required raw material of an agreed-on quality level at the right time then the firm will incur additional expenses in the form of higher scrap rate, wastage and direct labor. Prompt delivery is required to avoid damagely rescheduling of production otherwise susceptibility will be decreased.In order to maintain profit levels it is important for firms not only(prenominal) to satisfy customers but to delight them. This again becomes a part of the organizations logistics. To achieve this not only fast and reliable delivery of high quality goods but also innovative design and distribution of ideas is essential. Firms stress on logistics to create differentiation by provi ding its customers with unique products that are difficult to be imitated by competitors.Logistics is considered as the last point of contact between the organization and its customer and so leveraging booming logistics leads to constitute reduction, increased customer satisfaction and market share and so eventually higher profits. Low total product or service cost is significant in logistics so that the firm can have a competitive edge in the market.There are many opportunities to achieve dramatic cost savings but to achieve this, vision and hard work is required. Firms can do this by coordinating the different parts of the supply chain. Departments within firms such as procurement officer, manufacturing, legal and R&D managers need to work in a cross-functional manner and promote joint cost-saving projects.One of the biggest opportunities for cost saving is to reduce the amount of inventory which will automatically drive costs down. This can be d integrity by Just-in-time inven tory management that emphasizes on continuous improvement. For this, it is important for firms to develop strong relationship with few, reliable suppliers who deliver raw material in time. Also Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model, one of the common techniques is used to control inventory.Outsourcing is often used to transfer some of the internal activities of a firm to an outside vendor to achieve greater efficiency and specialization. It is also used as a technique to meet unexpected demands that firms cannot handle.Wastage can be eliminated through focus on what the customers want. This can be through with(p) by continuous improvement using Lean Production. It emphasizes on customer focus.Greater efficiencies can be accomplished through use of technology tools that can enable the purchase of low value, low risk goods and services. With the usage of database systems, unnecessary paper work can be eliminated, and real time data can be accessed.Use of E-Commerce to track inventory a nd coordinate pickup and delivery for end customers can be a great cost saving opportunity. This has been select by Cisco and FedEx.Different alternatives of distribution means such as trucking, airfreight, shipping, and railroads should be constantly evaluated. Use of Excel OM and Production and Operation Management (POM) for Windows enables firms to right plan for the forecasted demand. Further, software like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) including Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provide firms with great opportunity to save on costs.Gantt Charts are useful for loading and scheduling. It prevents firms from unnecessary delays in work.Quality is one aspect that firms emphasize on due to growing cognizance for better quality goods amongst customers. This can be done by implementing Total Quality Management (TQM), meeting quality standards developed by International Standards makeup (ISO) and by adapting to Six Sigma and Plan-Do-Check -Act (PDCA) model.Mentioned above are some of the greatest costs saving opportunities in todays world.ReferencesLambert, D.M Stock, J.R. and Ellram, L.M., (1998). Fundamentals of Logistics Management. Burr Ridge, IL Irwin McGraw-Hill.http// vexation/management/leenders12e/information/leenders_ch01.pdf
Saturday, May 25, 2019
How the Evolution of Mobile Phone Affect People Communicate
How the organic evolution of smooth mobilize change the way spate top? Previously, peck used to communicate with some of the earliest forms of communication devices included smoke signal, morse code, and pigeons. With all these communication devices, contents probably need weeks or months to stretching its destination. With the invention of liquid phone, all you have to do these days is send a text or convey a call and your message will reach its destination within minutes. THE EVOLUTION OF MOBILE PHONE Nowadays, rambling phone is no longer a want but is a need.E rattlingone including the great unwashed from teenagers to old passel has a personal cell phone of their own on their hands. You couldnt imagine how a quick phone appearances uniform in the past it is totally different from now. Improved technology has made a smashing change in the history of mobile phones, transforming the huge mobile phones into sleek and stylish smartphones we deem with us now. Lets take a look at how mobile phones developed from the bulky walkie- public lectureie look to todays swipe-savvy descendants. Previously, a mobile phone use to be like this. The design is huge and with a long antenna.A few years later, mobile phones became a little more defined and better looking than how they were before. Antennas were shortened and the designs modified. Only text messaging service and voice call service be included in the use of goods and services of mobile phone. Besides making a call and texting a message, there is nothing else a mobile phone sens do. In 2000, the initiations first tincturescreen phone has been invented. More and more advanced technology was included in this worlds first touch screen phone. Besides than making a call and text a message, user rouse also get entertained from the phone. on that point ar some wide-eyed games included in the phone and a lot of simple applications much(prenominal) as a calendar and a calculator. The image shows a Mot orola phone which has a simple black and white touchscreen. Next,technology has undergone a big change in history of mobile phones, putting a colour display and compound camera to mobile phones, producing the mobile phone with a basic camera. Users can take pictures on the spot when needed with the phone and they need not to verbalize a digital camera with them wher incessantly they go. Sooner, mobile phones atomic number 18 no longer limited to single screen.This model has a small screen on the outside to notify calls and text messages coming in, and a big screen on the inner for the user to type messages and carry out new(prenominal) functions of the phone. There are some mobile phones built for delivering great music. A button for music playback and memory support has made the gadget become a great gadget for enjoying music anytime and anywhere. Now, is the time to talk about the most popular phone used by umpteen of us nowadays. There are many company compete in producing smartphones such as Samsung, Apple, Blackberry and so on.All this advanced touchscreen smartphone are operated by iOS or android, enabling a lot of apps to concord on the smartphone. Apps are available in many categories such as games, book, business, communication, education, travel, music and so on. This has make smartphone become a multifunctional device that you must carry with you all the time. You can contact to each other as easy as ABC Evolution of mobile phone has changed our communication easier. With the basic function of making a voice call and text messaging service, we can keep in touch with our loved ones.Look at the past, we communicate with each other by letter, and it takes long time to receive. For example, if your loved one had moved to a country far from you to pursue his or her study, and both of you only can communicate with each other by letters. It took a few weeks for a letter to reach to your loved one and a few weeks later for the letter to reach back to you again. This is a waste of time and money. The cost of sending a letter overseas is quite expensive if you regularly contact with each other by letter.But now we have mobile phones, we can connect to each other in a second. By simply a click on the tip of your hand, you can have a voice call or a text message to your loved one. It is easy and cost effective. In new-fangled years, mobile phones have become a basic part of life as the number of users of mobile phones has increased. Also, mobile phones are cheap to purchase. There are many reasons why hatful support and use mobile phones. Millions of other people also support for similar reasons. For example, many people around the world like to use the mobile phone for social networking.There are a lot of social networking websites available on mobile phone nowadays. Some of the examples are Facebook, Twitter, Skype. With smartphone operated by android system, users can even have multiple social networking applications such as Viber, Whatsapp, Line and many others. If there is a need to talk to friends or families, you can do it from anyplace and at any time. Some of it can also find the friends that had already lost contact and keep in touch again. Besides, you can also take pictures of where you are or what you are doing and post this information to your mobile phone.You can update photos or videos and show your friends and family what you are doing. This ensured the relationship between you and your friend and between you and your family will be maintained with the power of mobile phone. Mobile phone has change our language Have you ever noticed how the usage of mobile phone has changed our language? On Facebook you like things. Like is a great word but now it is used for very much more. And you also comment on things. All these lecture may be familiar to us in our life but now when you hear these words you will automatically think of Facebook.In our daily conversation, we may also use like to expres s that we agree on something. For example, when your friend said something that you think is very true, you will say I wish to give you a like. This shows that how a simple word has a different meaning when we expose to mobile phone frequently. We also use letters for phrases rather than typing the whole thing out. Many people have been using abbreviations when texting with other people such as LOL, BRB, ASAP, OMG and so on. For individuals who are unfamiliar with these abbreviations, the message will become unclear.Table 1 Some of the common shortcut used Shortcut Original Phrases BRB Be right back ASAP As soon as possible OMG Oh my God LOL Laughing out loud L8R Later BTW By the way 2MORO tomorrow 2NITE Tonight The term Google is actually a search engine but now it also function as a verb. For example, when you look something up, you tell people you googled it. The interesting part is that people will exactly understand it. They wouldnt misunderstand that you looked at someone. Th ey will know that you researched something on the search engine.It changed the way people interact with each other Truth be told, almost everything can be done through the mobile phone nowadays. It started with online shopping where people can now just hold the phone on their hand and buy whatever they what easily. And then came mobile banking, as security became better and better, so did the peoples trust in providing their bank details and doing their banking transactions with their mobile phone. Breakdown of Communication One of the greatest disadvantages of the mobile phone is the fact that we do not talk to strangers when traveling anymore.In the past, several people waiting for a bus would engage in a conversation while they were waiting. People who traveled the same routes every day might develop friendships along the way. This situation does not happen anymore. Today when people are waiting for a bus, they just pull out their mobile phones and speak with old friends, missin g out on the opportunity to make new ones. In large cities, many people do not know their neighbours, even though they may have lived in the same neighbourhood for years.As a society, we are beginning to lose the face to face contact that was such an important part of our lives in the past. Communication is at the core of every relationship, personal or professional, that you hold in life. A breakdown of communication caused by technology can affect your job, your friendships, your relationship with others, and your family relationships. In face to face communication your nonverbal communication, like facial expressions and body language, repay the tone of your message.These nonverbal indicators do not exist with technology based communication, making your message more likely to be misinterpreted. The user of mobile phone increases significantly from year to year. More and more people use mobile phone to keep in touch with family, friends, online shopping and even conduct business . The statistics shows how pitying communication has changed in recent years 2006 Text Messages 158 billion MMS Messages 2. 7 billion Voice Minutes 1. 7 trillion Cell phone subscribers 233,041,000 state lines 140 millionTwitter Accounts just launched that July Facebook accounts 12 million Skype accounts 171 million 2010 Text Messages 2. 052 trillion MMS Messages 56. 6 billion Voice Minutes 2. 241 trillion Cell Phone Subscribers 302. 9 million Land lines 153 million at the end of 2009, (but losing 700,000 a month) Twitter accounts 175 million Facebook accounts 500 million Skype accounts 560 million In a nutshell, the evolution of mobile phone has change the way people communicate. The effects come on both positive and negative side.In positive side, mobile phone has make the world seems smaller and smaller because everyone can easily connected no matter where there are. Family and friends can keep in touch can up to date to the latest news. On the other hand, mobile phone also caus ed some form of communication breakdown. Face to face interaction has slowly organism eliminated. Everyone seems need to be connected through the mobile phone and live in a virtual world. However, as long as we use mobile phone wisely, we can still maximize the function of a mobile phone to optimum.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Introduction to Dissertation Essay
1.0 Introduction1.1 Background to the problemThe un soften problem is graded as a major issue among students of secondary schools in Mauritius. In fact, this problem is prevailing not only in Mauritius but overly crosswise the many nations around the world. According to the Longman contemporary dictionary, undiscipline refers to a lack of control in the behaviour of a group of people, with the result that they behave gravely. It occurs when students breach the rules and regulations of the classroom or school. Such disruptive behavior is not only a concern to schools and teachers but also the p arents and most importantly to the students, whose hereafter is at stake. Misconduct in the classroom interferes with teaching and learning. It can eventu exclusivelyy lead to school drop come out and similar negative social outcomes. Students behavioral problems are also thought to be a leading contributor to teachers and parents stress and attrition. Serious breaches of school discipline policy can have profound negative cause on teachers.1.2 Significance of canvassSee more how to start an essay about yourself for collegeSince discipline plays a crucial role in school system, it is all the more important to assess the measures taken to upholding it. Continuing to apply the present measures blindly without ascertaining oneself if they areactually alleviating the problem is equivalent to losing money, time or, worse, deteriorating the current situation. The take aim depart help in not only finding if the measures are good or wrong but also to what extent the measures be take are effective or not. Since students are not the only ones creation affected by the problem, the ingest leave alone help us get to last students perception of the measures used to tackle indiscipline but also perception of teachers themselves. It will give both parties the chance to equally express themselves.By being able to understand each group, it will be possible to introduce and su ggest different measures which could shape a better impact, or adapting existing ones to be more productive. Student indiscipline is not decreasing at Saint Bartholomews college. We have reached to a point of saturation and it is almost impossible to bring the students to the repair track. They are out of control and think that the system and teachers are against them. Indiscipline has led to low education level at St Bartholomews college, the percentage was below 50 % in 2007 only 47 %. The main causes of indiscipline need to be identified so that the college can shade for better measures.1.2 Aims of StudyThe aim of this research is to investigate the impact of present measures used in dealing with student indiscipline at Saint Bartholomews College. Student indiscipline has been tainting this colleges reputation. Students are ill-mannered, and this badly influences their future role in their social and professional life. Therefore, it is high time to proactively make sure that the right actions are being taken to decrease, or ideally root out, student indiscipline. This study has for aim to assess the existing measures in dealing with student indiscipline at Saint Bartholomews college whether they meeting, and if they are to what extent they are meeting, the expectations. And to observe its impact whether it is positive or not.1.3 Objectives of StudyThe main objectives of the study are Finding out if indiscipline is increasing despite the existing measures Analysing factors resulting in indisciplineInvestigating on the existing methods at Saint Bartholomews College Knowing if indiscipline will keep on growingKnowing new methods can be introduced to ameliorate the situation1.5 Problem of StatementPedagogues have been trying to implement measures to eradicate indiscipline in schools. In fact, all the stakeholders (teaching staff, Ministry of Education) work in unison to alleviate the problem. Methods such as having CCTV installed within the school compound to keep an bosom on students or SMS Alert to parents in case of Lateness or absenteeism are not decreasing indiscipline. Living in a society, transformed by technical progress and influenced by Media, Mauritian Youth has gone beyond control they are living in their own world, forgetting that Mauritian society is still buttoned to old traditions and cultures. Students are rebelling against rules and regulations of their institutions. Student Indiscipline has been a major problem at Saint Bartholomews college, Port Louis. It keeps on increasing.According to Premita Leelachand from Defi Media, the college accepts all students who sample admission, even school drop-outs who either failed or were removed by their previous institutions due to bad behaviour. In fact, St Bartholomews is regarded as the last resort for students who are considered hopeless. This is the main reason why the percentage of indiscipline in high at the private aided college. Students already have discipline pro blems and still picture no signs of respect towards their teachers and express no interest in education. Traditional punishments such as writing in journals or detention hours do not seem to scare them anymore. Being punished has become a honor for them and it increases their respect among other students. This is why there is a need to check whether the measures being presently taken are effective or not.1.6 Research questionsThe research questions will be as followsWhat are the methods being used?Why is indiscipline on an increase since the last years?What do students and teachers think about indiscipline and the measuresadopted? What can be done to improve student discipline and making the deterring measures more effective?1.7 AssumptionsIndiscipline is increasing despite various measures introduced by the Ministry of Education and the college itself, for example, the counseling unit at the college.1.8 Format of StudyThe Study will be divided into 5 main sectionsChapter 1 Introdu ctionThis part of the study gives an overview of the topic and prepares the reader for the next chapters. It analyses the background of the problem, gives its importance and aims and objectives of the study as well.Chapter 2 Literature ReviewLiterature review will give a deeper overview of the problems of indiscipline in Mauritius and describe measures adopted to deal with these problems.Chapter 3 Research MethodologyIn this section, the interview format to quantify the problem will be discussed.Chapter 4 Discussion of Findings and Analysis of DataStatistical tools will be used to extract the pertinent information from the data collected. These statistical approaches are discussed in this part of the research and the conclusions inferred from the analysis will be discussed.Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations1.9 ConclusionThis was the first chapter of the study. It had for aim to prepare the reader for further chapters of the study and to understand the topic and the actual issu e, that is, impact of measures dealing with student indiscipline at Saint Bartholomews College, clearly.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Meaning of the term secular
In addition to this, the essay will address the debate of Indians laymanity. A brief history of Religion will be addressed, with reference to the work of E. B. Taylor, Emilee Druthers and Karl Marx. Some other questions which will be answered argon why do sociologists tuition Religion, What role does Religion Play in the society, and How does morality work to maintain solidarity among members of a society. Religion has convinced people that in that respects an Invisible man living In the sky. Who watches anything you do every minute of every day.And the Invisible man has a list will s shutting you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time (Carline, n. D. ). Hardballs and Healed, in Sociology Themes and Perspectives, have explicitly landed estated that supernatural beliefs exist in all societies, including the primitive societies. Robertson states that mor ality refers to the existence of supernatural beings which have a governing effect on life. This definition takes into account the occurrence that religion is not only a belief in the existence of supernatural elements, exactly also that these elements exert some degree of control over the lives of the people. The nineteenth century saw a bristle in the study of religion as scholars began to question the origin and evolution of the same. Sociologists drew analogies based on Darnings Evolutionary Theory they tried to trace the evolution of society and neighborly institutions. Focusing on the work done by E. B.Taylor, the theory of Animism was an important contribution to the study of religion. Taylor believed that animism was the earliest form of religion. It refers to the belief in essences. concord to him, in order to get through sense of events such as life after death or the composition of dreams, early philosophers conjured up the idea of the soul. The soul, in abovebo ard words, is a spirit which is present in the body and gives it life. Once the idea of spirits was invented, it was applied not Just to man, but also animals and man-made objects.Thus religion, in the form of animism, originated to settle with mans intellectual nature, to meet his need to make sense of death, dreams and visions. (Hardballs, Sociology Themes and Perspectives, 1981) Sacred and Profane are two landmarks presented by Emilee Druthers in The Elementary Forms of apparitional Life, and are the just about instrumental elucidation of religion from a functional perspective. He stated that all societies divide the world into two disagrees, biz. , sacred and profane, and that religion is based upon this division (Hardballs, Sociology Themes and Perspectives, 1981).Sacred refers to everything that is considered Holy by the people of the society. All sacred elements are treated with respect and are revered. The sacred element is a symbol- it is representative of something. H owever, the term sacred does not only apply to supernatural elements such as God or Angels. The term encompasses all elements in the society, tangible or non-tangible, that are considered holy. Thus a tree, rock, stone, etc. , may be considered sacred by a certain group of people. Profane covers all the elements of the society which, in simple terms, are not considered holy.This character formed the basis for Deuteriums analysis of religion. Based on his studies on Australian tribes, he developed the term totemic. He regards totemic as the most basic form of religion. A totem is a symbol, usually an animal or a plant, which is sacred to the tribe. For instance, in tribal India, the Gongs have a goat clan whose members look upon the goat as their totem because a goat which had been pilfered by their ancestors for sacrifice turned into a pig when the theft was discovered and thereof paved the thieves from punishment.Like all functionalists, Druthers argued that social life would be impossible without the presence of shared values and beliefs which form the collective conscience. This implied that without a collective conscience there would be chaos in the society. He thus stated that religion Religion has been defined with reference to the sacred rather than God because this makes social comparison easier. For instance, certain sects of Buddhism do not engage in a belief in God (Scott & Marshall, 1994). A contrasting view is observed in the Marxist theory.Karl Marx, the founder of the unionism, blatantly stated that religion is a farce- merely a crutch for the people, who look towards it to find inner peace and solace. He took this a measure kick upstairs and said that religion adds to the development of a false consciousness among the worker class, giving them the strength to cope with their exploitation, in hope of gaining a procreative life after death, as a reward for their suffering. So, the workers view their exploitation as a natural order of life, and do not challenge their masters.Thus Marx called religion the opium of the masses, holding it responsible for the exploitation of the workers by the capitalists. Various theories have been presented in order to understand religion better. The theories discussed above are only basics of the sociology of religion. The study of religion dates back to over a century, and there have been innumerable contributions to the field. The analysis of religion is a difficult and complex one, it requires increased knowledge of various social phenomena. In addition to this, I must emphasize on the necessity of subjectivity and neutrality in the study of religion.A researcher must not be biased against the particular religion or religions he/she is tidying. The researcher should assume a neutral attitude towards the research subject because his mortalal biases may affect the results and his conclusions. Therefore, it is important to note that sociologists study religion to understand how it aff ects the functioning of society, and not to prove or disprove any of the doctrines. REVIEW OF LITERATURE acquittance back in history, to the Vivid period in India, Hinduism is considered to be the oldest religion which originated in northern India.Hinduism was the predominant religion during ancient India, and is responsible for shaping most of the classical and odder culture of India. Through the course of time, India faced a number of invasions from opposite directions, which consequently brought new and different cultures to India. These cultures consisted of different forms of art and literature, architecture, and especially religion. every(prenominal) successful invasion of India brought along a wave of immigrants who, over a period of time, were accepted into the Indian society.This acceptance of different cultures led to extravagant changes in the Indian way of life. India is often regarded as the religiously most diverse nation to exist in the world. Contributing to aroun d 17. 5% of the worlds population(Census, 2011), India is home to a number of religions like Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, to name a few. In fact, some of the major World Religions, like Jansenism and Buddhism, originated in India. The East India Company was instrumental in the rise of Christianity in India.Initially, the Companys government did not allow Christian missionaries to operate in the nation, however, this ban was lifted according to the Charter Act of 1813 the licensed missionaries were allowed to operate. This Act further assisted the spread of Christianity throughout India. Tate, India has moderaten the growth and development of major religions over the past decades. As discussed earlier, the countless number of invasions introduced new religions into India. Major religions such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity were propagated in this way.Statistics indicate the Hinduism is the third-largest religious community in the world after Christianity and Islam (PIT, 20 12). Narrowing the field down to India, Hinduism is the religion of the majority, and Christianity and Islam constitute the largest minority religions in the nation. According to the Census of India, 2001, of the total population 80. % are Hindus while Muslims comprise 13. 4 % and Christians 2. 3 % respectively. Roughly 828 gazillion are Hindus while Muslims are approximately 138 million out of Indians total population of about 1,029 million. Sikhs account for 1. Per cent of the total population. The share of Buddhists, Gains and other religions are 0. 8 %, 0. 4 % and 0. 6 % respectively (Sensualist, 2011). part writing the article Why India is not a secular state, Omar Khalids, reinforces his argument that India is not a secular state in totality. The Oxford English Dictionary defines secular as something that is not connected with religious or spiritual matters. So a secular state would imply a separation or distinction of the state from all religious matters. All affairs of th e state would be carried out without any religious interference.This convey that the state or government should not promote any religious groups or organizations. In this context, the constitution makers of India incorporated the word secular in the Constitution, but there have been innumerable arguments on whether secular is Just a word on paper, or whether secularism has actually been applied and adopted as a practice in India. Khalids has highlighted five areas where secularism has failed to come up to its expectations. As per the constitution, Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Gain or Buddhist religion (India C. O. , 1949).The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 applies,- (a) to any person who is a Hindu by religion in any of its forms or developments, including a Irishman, a Eliminating or a follower of the Brahms, Parthian or represent Assam (b) to any person who is a Buddhist, Gain or Sikh by religion, and (c) to any other person domi ciled in the territories to which this Act extends who is onto Muslim, Christian, Paris or Jew by religion, unless it is proved that any such errors would not have been governed by the Hindu law or by any custom or usage as part of that law in respect of any of the matters dealt with herein if this Act had not been passed. Act 25 of 1955) This mean that officially there is no such thing as a Buddhist, Gain, or Sikh marriage, which is an additional endeavor to refuse other religions an idiosyncratic identity and absorb them into the Hindu category. The Office of the fipple pipe General that conducts the decennial census enumerates anyone who is not a Christian, Muslim or Paris as Hindu. (Khalids, 2009) The freedom of religion is granted under Article 25 (1), of the Constitution.However, a Since then approximately seven state legislatures have agreed upon laws strictly putting a ceiling on conversions from Hinduism to other religions while aiding conversions to Hinduism. Christianit y has been under unremitting fire for a long time now. These challenges that Christianity is faced with will be discussed in course of this essay. Thus we see certain legislative discriminations based on religion. Another area discussed by Khalids is the Employment sector.He says that Article 16 (2) of the constitution prohibits discrimination in public employment based on religion, but there have been innumerable field of studys of discrimination. In a classic example where the Hindu culture has been infused in the Indian culture, the ban on beef took away the means of livelihood of a multitude of butchers and also the cheapest source of proteins for the poor. Agreed, the cow is sacred to the upper class Hindus, but this is not true for the Christians, Dalais and other groups. So we see another case of discrimination within the culture with a religious basis.India witnessed multiple massacres which were supported by the state, biz. , of Sikhs in 1984 and of Muslims in 2002. In bo th cases, the individuals in the highest position of the Executive branch of he government Justified the riots, namely, Rajah Gandhi after the assassination of his mother, and Neared Mood after the train was attacked in Godard killing 58 people. It is true that the plasticization of religion has been occurring, and innumerable legislations have been affected by this. Various political parties in India have been affiliated with different religions.Former Maharajahs Governor and Member of fantan P C Alexander observed that plasticization of religion, caste and fragmentation of our society were posing a threat to national integration (NUN, 2007). Taking into consideration the fact that political parties have been flaunting their own religions, it is possible to say that these religious promotions by politicians have an adverse effect because they are indirectly encouraging communism. Followers of different parties may turn against each other and this may lead to communal riots.Khalids hard-hitting observations were concluded with a final note- For all these five reasons, India is not a secular state. It is in fact the defender of Hindu dharma. (Khalids, 2009) Turning the spotlight on Christianity in India, the introductory attempt to introduce the elision was seen when SST. Thomas visited India and was brought to the motor inn of Gunpersons. As Stephen Neil has elucidated in A History of Christianity in India, Thomas was initially rejected and he later went on to South India, where he was successful in baptizing the higher class people.Neil has mentioned that Thomas first visited Monolayer on the Accordance Coast, and came across thirty-two village communities. It is notable that he concentrated on converting the higher castes first because the lower castes were bound to follow whatever the high castes indulged in. When the Portuguese arrived in India, they found that the Thomas tradition had been widely accepted. Francis Xavier arrived at Ago to find it just about a Christian settlement, with seven churches and a set of clergy men. Stephen Neil has provided fitting geographical and statistical evidence to help analyze the arrival of Christianity in India.The following decades witnessed the colonisation of India by the British. The However, conversions were not the only function these missionaries performed. Many reputable and important schools, colleges, hospitals and so on, were established with the help of the missionaries in India. Neil, 1984) The people of India also seemed to be pass judgment the Christian faith openly because it gave them a chance to escape the complex rituals that their original faith demanded. In totality, Christianity was being accepted, although forced conversions were still taking place.The stock colonial period witnessed great growth of a number of religions, especially Christianity. The decision to name India a secular country encouraged this growth. Christian converts could shack assured that they wou ld be safe in India. So, over the years Christianity kept on growing steadily, and today, it has established itself as one f the largest minority religions in India, although, the question that arises is, has Christianity really been completely assimilated with the Indian society. RESEARCH METHOD Taking on a rather rudimentary form of investigation, I have serene information based on interviews with individuals.The main questions I asked them were 1. Their views on acceptance of Christianity in India 2. Their personal understanding of the term Secular 3. Whether they think that India is a secular state in practice 4. What according to them are some of the challenges faced by Christianity A total of 45 people were interviewed, individually, and in groups. The questions were posed formally, but responses were more(prenominal) or less informal, and based on the ensuing discussions, I have formulated an average of their opinions and reached certain conclusions.AAA majority of the samp le was not completely sure of the meaning of the term secular. On being given the actual meaning and definition of the term, 57% of the people stated that India does not seem to be a secular country. 36% said that they thought India was indeed a secular state, and the remaining 7% did not have an opinion. Now, based on some previous research, I have concluded that Christianity s a religion has undergone a number of phases of maturity and is developing from a fledgling to a fully big(p) bird. However it is facing a number of challenges which is hindering this development.A majority of the sample referred to the persecution and arrests of Christians in Arioso and Kashmir as basis for their above view. People have seen this as a manifestation of the insecurity faced by Hinduism. The increasing speed at which people are converting to Christianity is alarming for the devout Hindus, and that is why they are resorting to extreme means such as these. As far as he assimilation of foreign religions into mainstream Indian life goes, Christianity has done pretty well, although, there has always been the case of forced conversions.However, it is important to note that Christian missionaries have contributed to the development of society in a number of ways. The benefits that these missionaries bestow upon the nation cannot be denied. It is, after all, a part of their way of life to take care of people. Studies have also indicated that missionaries have played a role in combating various cases of substance abuse. miserable to the secularity of India, I house of parliament, Meter Kumar. At a large gathering at the prestigious Cambridge University in England she said, there is no room for religious political science in the worlds largest democracy.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Motivation affects learning
IntroductionMotivating employees in an organization means helping them perform their cast, compensating them for their labors, and solving problems that arise. Consequently, human resource management plays a central role in this particularly since they be responsible for how people are treated in their own unique kind of organization. Effective managers are concerned about their employees.It has been revealed that by applying techniques to motivation and training, people will be inspired to examine the incentive and recognition programs. These programs can improve employees life. This way, proper reporting is done and the staff are non disillusioned. Managers provide reward programs promptly. It states that When training is linked to a reward program, employees are prompt to absorb the content, and that translates it into improved performance. This paper looks into the diametrical ways of motivation specially in the organizational aspects so that learning is facilitated and h astened.Gellerman (1992) defines motivation as the art of helping people to focus their minds and energies on doing their work as effectively as possible. The task is to motivate everyone, at all times, through every possible technique or approach available and apt for the situations. They need to enjoy themselves in the process. There are many questions that make water to be answered, such as who are the people, what are their lineage tasks, how do they get paid, with whom do they work? Because of these varied and ever-changing elements in motivation, this is not a simple or easy task. The difficulty is that all people are different from one an new(prenominal)(prenominal) in many ways hence what might motivate one person does not necessarily work for another person different strokes for different folks.Effects of Good Relations with EmployeesGood motivational techniques with the employees result in good service of the company because the employees feel good and satisfied and th ey deliver their service better than those who are not contented with their jobs.By providing good human relations with the employees, they will be highly satisfied and they will be more productive.The management that provides opportunities for the employees to adopt and develop will be more successful as the employees will be challenged to do better.Employees can also feel their value when they are motivated accordingly and when they are given programs that would make them feel they deserve the job responsibility.As a result, the workers will support the management more and in the sack everybody benefits, the employees develop their potentials and gain high job satisfaction giving the management less problems and a higher productivity turnover, and in due course the line of reasoning thrives. As part of your welcome to our fastfoods business, find out what their dreams are, how they think that business should work for the customers, what they hate, and what they like. Ask how t hey have used technology in the past.The entrepreneurs perception on subordinates will greatly affect decisions between the two dimensions they are going to accentuate. If they assume that their people are responsible and capable, there would be less control and leaders would put more reliance on their people. Otherwise there would be a large amount of control on their workers. But more than the well-established organizational design and properly selected leadership style, Beer emphasized the importance of people because without the capabilities of these people, the goal of effective organization would be difficult to attain, or worse, would never be reached (Beer, Michael).Organizational behaviors emphasis on people makes the management chthonicstand their employees more and make them committed in pursuing a common organizational goal of productivity and effectiveness. One of the strategies in building the performance of a worker is through motivation. People who are satisfied wi th their job are motivated to be more productive. In order for the manager to effectively motivate his employees, he must have knowledge on what determines their motivation.Again, under the principle of cause and effect, and the studies on the behavior of organization, an effective leader could formulate a motivation technique that would fit into the needs of the workers and encourage them to be more productive. Understanding what moves workers to work more productively would make the decision of the leaders in coming up with a motivational technique more pleasant to the workers and in turn would give favorable results for the whole organization.Businesses continue to succeed because of the value it places in their service and the clients.However, without its human resources, no one will be able to deliver its service.No technology can take the place of human resources.The employees are the most important resource in any way. valet de chambre can adapt and improve, be taught and le arn.Technology will always be mere tools of humans, either using it to improve him ego or to destroy himself.Good management put on their employees grow in the company and as persons of their own rights.They see them highly motivated to achieve their goals, gain positive perspective, have that power to change, build self esteem and capacity, manage their own development and help others with theirs. (Goleman, 2005) Moreover, they appreciate the value of building a climate of honesty, openness and trust understand what they want from work so they can be aligned with each other in terms of expectations and aspirations encouraging othersto do well and complimenting those who perform well and who work at best in an effective organization. (Goleman, 2005)Importance of Employee Motivation and TrainingPeople experience failure in one way or another. But if there is a positive concord in ones life (that is, if one consistently learns from his mistakes and mature through them to bring harmo ny and balance in his life), one can, for the most part, subdue repeating the same mistakes. Time is the vehicle that allows one to make course corrections, and time allows him to recover and improve. High achievers will see the future as an without end opportunity because of all they can learn and accomplish rather than seeing doom and disaster because of missed opportunities and what might have been in the past.Things are smooth and the process is checked if well understood. People are not left clueless about how things need to be done. Clearly, if the process is well understood, it stands a dislodge of being described and automated. A chain of reactions and influences causes a very fast ripple effect and things are controlled early on especially if it is in liaison with rumor mills. But, whether it is rumors racing through the company at warp speed or a change in how people relate to each other after reorganization, one cannot help but be conscious of the effect. What is im portant is that things are communication well to everyone (Cheese and Thomas 2003).Based on research on entrepreneurial and diversified businesses successful firms have competitive markets that have fast, high-quality, and widely supported strategic decision making processes. Indeed, the remarkable success of high performance teams is not the result of luck. It is the predictable outcome of intense concentration on values, proper motivation and strategies on cultivating what the German writer Goethe called the genius, power and magic in ourselves.We have been burdening managers for years with an impossible task, telling them they ought to motivate others single-handedly, when the most a manager can do for others is to jump-start them inspire them. Real motivation catches internally, after the missionary work is clear. Peak performers draw productivity from deeper reserves that are inexhaustible from the sources of motivation. You can tell people to value excellence. You can insis t that they increase their productivity. You can emphasize the need for changing their behavior. You can attempt to train people and motivate them to upgrade their job skills and increase their effectiveness. But until an individual makes a personal allegiance to achieving peak performance or makes that internal decision to excel, nothing much will happen (McClelland, D. 1955).REFERENCESBeer, Michael. Organizational Behavior and Development. (n.d.) Retrieved Jan. 13, 2007 at
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
To What Extent Would It Be Fair to Say That Mass Media Had No Choice but to Report What the Government Wanted It to Report During the Falklands War?
Page 103 To what extent would it be fair to say that mass media had no choice but to report what the political science cute it to report during the Falklands warfare? Using evidence from origins 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d, it can be seen that there is indication which shows that the governance did in fact visit what was reported in the Falklands war. It can be seen that the government did make it difficult to report events from the war, which is presented in the fact that there was no photos in the first 55 Regulation on Media in AmericaThis long delay in media involvement was controlled by the government, clearly expressing the influence they had. This thought process is further endorse up in origin 3c, which compared the Falklands war (1982) to the Crimean War (1853) while concerning the topic of media involvement. However, even though it is clear to say the government controlled the media involving the Falklands war, did it result in the mass media only reporting what the government wanted it to, or non?There is clear evidence which suggests that mass media had no choice but to report what the government wanted it to, but to what extent was this? As can be seen in source 3d, the government clearly, and to a heavy extent wanted to control what was reported in the media involving the Falklands war, this can be seen in the remoteness of this war facilitated media management. This suggests that the location enabled the government to easily control what was being portrayed in the media.This idea in source 3d is backed up through my own knowledge which proposes that the location made it difficult to report events of the war, as the geographical location and technological collimations disadvantaged newsmans. It strongly suggests that the media had no choice but to report what the government wanted it to in the concluding sentence, which states the British government practised deception and media manipula tion. Also, it must be accounted that source 3d contains strong credibility. Written in 2009, it allows the writers to have a clear overview of the whole war.Also, being established historians, the writer would possess objectiveness, which results in a much reliable judgement. Using source 3c in conjunction with source 3d brings a strong extent to the idea mass media was controlled by the government. This is because source 3c, scripted by Julian Barnes explicitly suggests that the government hid the truth from the public, meaning they controlled what was seen in the media, this idea is seen frequently in source 3c. The live reporting of ITV, of the deportation of the British navy was the last sunny, honest, unspun images seen in the public eye.Also, as seen in source 3c, information was frequently leaked from the government- whether good or bad. This can be supported by my own knowledge, which showed that the information of the reposition of south Georgia wasnt received by the Brit ish audience suggests that both good and bad news was mysterious from the public, or leaked via the government, still sho extension their involvement. However, it must be remembered, that the source was written in 2002, the 20th anniversary of the Falklands war, in The Guardian.The guardian is a left wing newspaper, meaning they will support the labour government. Seeing as Margaret Thatcher, the prime minister in office during the Falklands War was conservative, it would seem that he would be inwrought towards the labour government, and be critical of the conservative role. Using source 3b along with 3d and 3c brings significant strength to the idea, that the government controlled the media. This can be seen in the idea only 16 reporters were taken on the Taskforce vessel to make it easier for the government to manipulate their reporting.However, the reporters are also described as gung ho in source 3b, this would suggest they were involved in the spirit of war, and were reportin g the war through a patriotic view, which wasnt inflicted by the government, suggesting maybe the media wasnt wholly controlled by the government. There is evidence which does in fact suggest that the Media could report what it wanted to during the Falklands war presented in the sources. In source 3a there is a slight difference to the fact that media could report what it wanted to.It can be seen that even though the real headlines of, gotcha seem to show chauvinistic views, towards Argentine death, the headlines were then quickly changed to Did 1200 Argies spread over? From my own knowledge I can add that the use of tabloid language, such as Argies would have dehumanised the War, which would have been welcomed by the government, but not inflicted by them. This suggests that the Media did have a choice in what to report, but may have reported certain things to please the government.The idea that the Sun soon changed the original cover implies that the media was able to self-censo r its own exuberance, contrasting the suggested governmental influence regarding the report of the War. Source 3b also suggests that the media could report what it wanted. This is shown in the way Patrick Bishop, a newspaper reporter from the Falklands War suggests how they werent influenced by any stimulus from the military. This implies that the reporters could infact report what they want.However, it does suggest in the source, that if a reporter wasnt feeling patriotic or positive, the military would have to lean on them. I can add with my own knowledge that all media representatives were controlled by the armed forces that censored reports, and were nifty for no negative broadcasting. This idea suggests that maybe there were some pressures faced by the reporters to report patriotic and celebrative views from the war. It must be remembered that the source has high credibility, as it was published in 1982 it has the positive of hindsight and can weight up information from the wh ole of the war.Also, being from the journalist Patrick Bishop, who was there at the time, he is more possible to be representative of the whole truth. In conclusion, to question how extensive the government was in regulating the reporting of the Falklwands war, it can be seen, by using the sources that the government had a high controllability involving the mass media coverage. This idea is commonly presented in the sources. However, it must be remembered, that in some circumstances the government had a limited control on what the mass media published about the Falklands War and what was reported from there.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Banyan Tree Essay
negligible advertising, still high level of station aw beness through clubs public cut acrossings and spheric marketing programs. Faced the ch every in allenge of translating and maintaining the success of a niche Asian hospitality brand into various market segments on a global scale Innovative niche product that could excessively bridge the price gap in this market Building a utilise comprising individual villas with locally inspired architectural goal and vexed as a romantic and intimate escapade for guests Sanctuary for the senses. banyan head guide impetus local culture and heritage and promoting cottage Crafts, retail outlet showcasing indigenous crafts, whole works confiningly with village cooperatives and not-for-profit craft marketing agents.Marketing high-end travel magazines in key markets public transaction global marketing programs (increase editorial c all overage) few key whole changers in each targeted market agents specializing in exlusive luxu ry holidays targeted at wealthy customers rank and file in the Small Luxury Hotels and Leading Hotels of the World GDS cose BY (own global scattering system used by travel providers to process airline, hotel, car rental and other distribution partners around the world.Actively caring for the inwrought and human environment, revitalizing local communities, worked actively to preserve, protect, and promote the natural and human environments in which BYT resorts where located. Minimizing the impact on the environment Green Communities = planted trees, engage local communities, associates, guests to mete out the causes of climate change and actions that can reduce our collected carbon sign. Green Imperative Fund to supercharge support community-based and environmental initiatives in the regions where it has a presence.The company believed in building profitable resorts that would benefit the meet environment and contribute to local economies through the creation of employment a nd community development projects. Businesses with local farmers and traders by making it a point to purchase fresh produce from them. Community Relations Department was tag up to develop and manage community outreach programs. Seedling BTHRs formalized program which aimed to help oung adults from local communities and spark off them and provide the means for completing their education to success to the full enter the labor force as adults. emerging openening city hotels and angsana hotels in Dubai and London (angsana brand in response to the demand for hotel operators in Asia that were keen to butt in spa run in their hotel, it is more contemporary and affordable brand. Musem Shop by banyan tree joint partnetship with Singapors national heritage board to showcase Asia rich and diverse heathen heritage through unique museum-inspired merchandise. banyan channelize Holdings ( banian maneuver) is an investment holding company involved in managing and developing premium resorts, hotels and spas in the Asia Pacific. To date, the banyan tree tree diagram concourse manages and/or has ownership interests in close to 36 hotels and resorts, around 73 spas, 91 galleriesand 3 golf courses in 28 countries The company operates in Asia, Mexico and Morocco, New Zealand, Africa, Dubai, and the UK. Banyan manoeuvre operates through three backing segments hotel investment, quality gross revenue enhancement, and fee-based.The hotel investments segment relates to hotel and restaurant exertions. The shoes gross revenue segment comp shews hotel residences, Laguna comelyty sales and development project/site sales. Hotel residences business relates to the sale of hotel villas or suites which argon part of hotel operations, to investors down the stairs a compulsory leaseback scheme. Laguna property sales business relates to the development and sale of properties which are standal one vacation homes in Laguna Phuket. Development project/site sales relates to pure devel opment land sales or development land sales which are fully or partially developed with infrastructure.The fee-based segment comprises the precaution of hotels and resorts, the management of an asset-backed destination club, the management of private-equity funds, the management and operation of spas, the sales of merchandise, the pro day-dream of architectural and intent run, the management and ownership of golf courses, and rental of retail outlets and offices. The companys subsidiaries (dochterbedrijf) imply Banyan shoetree Spa Bangkok, Banyan direct Spa Bintan, Banyan manoeuver Spa Ringha, Banyan Tree Spa Phuket, Banyan Tree Sanya, and Banyan Tree Macau, among others.Banyan Tree Holdings (Banyan Tree) is engaged in the management and development of premium resorts, hotels and spas. The companys key services include the following. Hotel and restaurant operations Sale of hotel villas or suites Development and sale of properties Pure development land sales Management of h otels and resorts Management of an asset-backed destination club Management of private-equity funds -Management and operation of spas Architectural and design services Management and ownership of golf courses Rental of retail outlets and offices.The following companies are the major competitors of Banyan Tree Holdings Limited Central Plaza Hotel Public Company Limited Four Seasons Hotels Inc Associated International Hotels Ltd In the preceding(a) few years, such events risks as the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, bird flu, floods and riots in Thailand have been hard on our industry, make tourism as a whole to dry up in their wake. By comparison, economic recessions are part and parcel of the business cycle, which we are able to take in our stride and counter with a variety of measures.During the year, the world remained mired in the European sovereign debt crisis and American economic weakness. Although these conditions affected our arrivals in general from Europe, we were able to capitalise on the flourishing Chinese market. At our four resorts in the Maldives, for example, the number of Chinese guests surpassed those from Europe. In our continuing efforts to rebalance the collections assets, we make the bar defecate purchase of Banyan Tree Seychelles which gave rise to a net gain. We as well as sold and leased back Angsana Velavaru in January 2013.The hybrid structure of this deal is a first for Banyan Tree, and we are pleased with how it allows us to rebalance our portfolio while still participating in the profits from the operations of Angsana Velavaru. 2012 with overall revenue growing 3% to S$338. 4 million. Due to amend results from our hotel investments and fee-based businesses, as well as a higher ploughshare from completed sales of property units. host EBITDA was S$74. 5 million, up 51% on the back of higher revenue and a gain on the bargain purchase of Banyan Tree Seychelles.This in turn resulted in PATMI increasing by 856% (S$14. mill ion), tempered by higher finance costs and income tax expenses. HOTEL INVESTMENTS Our hotel investments delivered a stronger murder in 2012, with Group-owned hotels visiting card total revenue of S$187. 7 million, up 15% from the previous year. This was due to the higher contribution from our Thai properties and the consolidation of revenue from Banyan Tree Seychelles from 2Q12 onwards. These gains were partially offset by lower revenue from our Maldives properties as Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Angsana Ihuru were temporarily closed for refurbishment.As a result of the increase in revenue, EBITDA for this segment grew by a healthy 69% to S$36. 6 million. PROPERTY SALES revenue enhancement from property sales was S$42. 7 million. The 36% decrease was due to the sale of development sites in Lijiang, Yangshuo and Huangshan to our China Fund in 2011. Excluding those transactions, revenue and EBITDA from property sales saw maturation of 43% and 74% respectively, thanks to a higher co ntribution from completed sales of property units. FEE-BASED Total revenue from our fee-based businesses registered growth of 9% to reach S$108. million.This was attributable to an increase in fees from hotel management and architectural and interior design and other services. Accordingly, EBITDA for our fee-based businesses grew by 23%. 2013 appears to be another challenging year for the global economy. We anticipate keep weakness in our European target markets. In Asia, which has been the worlds economic engine these ago four years, growth is likely to moderate. Despite the cooling of Chinas economy, the tourism market both(prenominal) inbound and outbound is expected to continue to grow.The Chinese government is aggressively promoting domestic tourism as part of its strategy to increase domestic consumption, thereby cushioning the slowdown in export manufacturing. Banyan Trees strong branding and rapidly expanding footprint in China give position us to take advantage of this trend. Our seven regional marketing offices in China will be invaluable in enabling us to tap the vast potential of this market and to enhance awareness of our hotels with key accounts in China.Our strategy going forward will include continuing with our asset rebalancing to open value and deploy capital to more promising markets. At the same time, we are exploring the possibility of extending the made Fund model into other areas. In terms of growing particular segments, we will be centre on increasing income from our fee-based and property sales businesses. We have built the fee-based segment to a point where it flat has an impetus of its own.On the property sales front, we plan to move into selling more primary and serviced residences. primitive residences under the Banyan Tree brand, We will also be going forward with the establishment of a third brand of residences to be alone sold and managed by us. Rather than compete with local property developers, we will leverage our branding and design skills to market to a niche audience in China. We will also be going forward with the establishment of a third brand of residences to be wholly sold and managed by us.Catering to an entirely new market of price-conscious buyers, these properties will be smaller in size yet deliver the quality and innovation that are hallmarks of Banyan Tree. Strongly associated with our brand is the design of a triple bottom line. In our pursuit of economic, social and environmental success, we made major investments in resource conservation, upbringing and benchmarking, greening and community efforts in 2012. Under the EarthCheck system of sustainability certification, we also planted in six-year a total to over 220,000 trees.Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts offer an intimate retreat experience featuring its tactual sensation blend of romance, rejuvenation and exotic sensuality. Our philosophy is based on providing a place for rejuvenation of the body, mind and soul a Sanctu ary for the Senses. Placing special emphasis on providing guests with a sense of place, each Banyan Tree property is designed to fit into its natural surroundings, using indigenous materials as far as possible and reflecting the landscape and architecture of the destination.Pioneering he tropical garden spa concept with Asian health and beauty remedies passed down from generations, Banyan Tree Spa was created as the signature experience in all Banyan Tree resorts, to complement the Sanctuary for the Senses wellness concept. With the emphasis on high service standards and consistency, therapists are professionally trained at Banyan Tree Spa Academies in Phuket, Thailand, and Lijiang, China. The Banyan Tree Gallery supports local communities by exhibiting and retailing indigenous handicrafts, which are also found in the resorts.A quintessential highlight of the Banyan Tree experience, Banyan Tree Gallery aspires to recreate the unique Banyan Tree experience withits extensive selection ofAsian-style furnishings, Banyan Tree Spa collection, eco-friendly products, indigenous village handicrafts, ethnic uniform and accessories, and objects dart. Banyan Tree Holdings Limited is a leading, international hospitality brand that manages and develops premium resorts, hotels and spas. Its modern business model is based on seven business segments generating multiple income streams that is unique in itself inside the hospitality industry.This formula of developing and managing complementary product offerings with in-house endowment makes it difficult for competitors to duplicate with the same level of success. Banyan Trees vertically co-ordinated business model comprises Hotel investment Banyan Tree owns and manages luxury hotels under its brands, as well as hotels that are managed by other world-class operators. Hotel management Banyan Tree additionally manages properties under the Banyan Tree and Angsana brands for other owners.Canopy Marketing Group Pte Ltd A company wholly owned by Banyan Tree Services, Canopy Marketing Group Pte Ltd provides high-level strategic insights on various global niche markets to drive top line performance of our diverse range of lifestyle products including hotels, resorts, spas, gallery, destination club and residential ownership. It has a full-suite of marketing capabilities specializing in the branding, marketing and promotion. Spa operations Banyan Tree Spa pioneered the tropical garden spa concept, and has since grown to over 60 outlets worldwide.Gallery operations The retail arm is consolidated under Banyan Tree Gallery, which comprises fiver brand segments located in over 70 stores worldwide. Hotel residences Hotel inventory are primarily sold under the brand name Banyan Tree Residences. Property sales Properties that are not part of hotel operations are sold by our subsidiary company, Laguna Resorts and Hotels, and its subsidiaries, in Laguna Phuket. Design and other services Revenue from design services is earned by Architrave, Banyan Trees in-house architectural arm. some other service fees include income from operating golf clubs. Real Estate Hospitality Funds Banyan Tree Capital was set upto tap private equity and other sources of investments in order to provide a cost efficient structure to fund the Groups future developments. With about 8,000 associates of over 50 nationalities, the diversity of its workforce is a key feature of the Group and helps to inspire its international outlook. To address its talent development needs, Banyan Tree throwed Banyan Tree Management Academy (BTMA) in 2008.This centralised training facility located in Phuket, Thailand will train future Banyan Tree leaders require to sustain organisational effectiveness and to meet the demands of its rapid global growth. Part of Banyan Trees vision has always been to grow into a global business, with a portfolio of properties strategically placed around the world. The Groups mission is inextricably intertw ined with its commitment to corporate social province and sustainable growth, as it continues to expand globally.The launch of Banyan Tree Residences, which allows investors to buy their own signature villa, townhouse or apartment in Banyan Tree resorts. Banyan Tree Private Collection was launched to cater to the growing niche for destination club membership 2005 Marking the gatherings long awaited foray into China is Banyan Tree Ringha, in Yunnan. 2001 Banyan Tree established the Green Imperative Fund to formalise its corporate social responsibility efforts. The Banyan Tree Spa Academy was set up to provide training for new therapists as well as research new treatment recipes and techniques.Banyan Tree Capital is a reliable estate fund management company established by the Banyan Tree group, a known luxury hospitality company listed in Singapore, to focus on hospitality-based real estate investment. Banyan Tree Capital raises, develops and manages branded hospitality funds in k ey development markets of the Banyan Tree group. With a combination of fund management and asset development capabilities, Banyan Tree Capital leverages on the groups expertise in premium hospitality real estate development and anagement to generate dinky investment returns for its investors. Banyan Tree Capital is headquartered in Singapore with offices in China and Vietnam. We have successfully achieved higher room rates than the existing market in locations such as Lijiang, the Maldives and Seychelles. We have also found that our iconic brands also help raise the value of the surrounding land. Our innovative city products corporate trust all the iconic elements of our brand and differentiate developers within established, high cost city markets.We have the tractableness and capabilities to adapt our model to various locations so as to maximize returns for the developer As part of our strategy of enlarging our footprint in China, we will also be launching two more hotels in Shan ghai and one in Tianjin, adding to our ever growing presence in various gateway cities. We are also employing our capabilities all across China, where large tracts of land are being developed into gated residences and luxury hotels offered to the Chinese elite.One of Banyan Trees prime concerns is its associates. We pride ourselves in providing high levels of service excellence and providing tailor made training and career development programmes for our employees. No stone is left unturned in regards to training and proper introduction before a Banyan Tree is put into operation. Trained to the basic standards of 5 dealer hotels. Employees were empowered to exercise creativity and sensitivity although the strict administrative rules of the management.Employees were taken to and from work in air-condition buses, access to various amenities (good-quality canteens, medical services, childcare facilities). Banyan Tree is one of the worlds biggest and well known spa operators. Our levels of quality and service are unparalleled and uncompromised. We are the only vertically integrated hospitality company with strong capabilities to tackle and anticipate the challenges of superior planning and developing an integrated resort. We are able to take a property from inception to delivery with efficiencies that is entirely brand specific.Our n-house design team, Architrave, and project services team are extremely involved in all phases of the development master planning, designing, developing and coordinating, to checker developers a timely delivery of their asset. Being experienced developers, we are able to ensure that efficiencies and economies of scale are maximized along with guest experiences. Bintan, the Maldives and Phuket where the Angsana resort is positioned next to a Banyan Tree resort with shared back of house facilities. This model has allowed us to lower costs without cannibalizing rates, thereby boosting returns for our developers.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Making Your Own Luck
I should never have thrown the chain earn away. The earn clearly warned me that if I did, I would have one day of insalubrious luck. I did not believe it, so I threw the silly piece of paper in the garbage. I thought the champ who sent me the letter was just a superstitious fool. Letters do not bring you luck. You furbish up your own That night, however, as I fell asleep, I had the uncomfor put over feeling that something was not quite right. When I woke up the next morning, I was surprised to find that I had overslept and would be late for work.As I rush down the stairs to eat a quick breakfast, I tripped over my bag and spilled glassofwateronthepileofdocuments, whichI should have presentedat the meetingthat morning. Because themeetingwasabouttobegin, Irushedto getmycaranddriveto the officeveryquickly. However, bad luck happened to me again my car was covered by snow from last night, so I involve to get down time to make them melt. On my way to work, I decided to take a shor tcut through an old part of town. I drove to an old rough road which people seldom use daily. However, when I was very close to my office, I noticed there was an accident in the present of my car.Suddenly, I heard a noisy police car and people tried to change to other lane, and I was stuck in a traffic jam. After a while, I finally arrived at work. When I arrived at work, I found a note on my desk from my boss. She wanted to see me right away. I took a deep breath and walked into her office. As I stepped inside, I noticed a scowl on her face. Of course, she scolded me for arriving late and for not preparing well for the meeting. She had had to start the meeting without any help. Because of her rage, I was received a exemplification letter. At 5 PM, I left my office and went home feeling very tired and disappointed.Finally, later a long and difficult day, I returned home to find that my air conditioner was broken. I could not take it any more(prenominal) It had been the worst day of my life, and I did not want anything else to happen. I rushed to the garbage whoremonger and dug around for the chain letter I had thrown away the day before. It was covered with java grounds and potato peels, but I could still read the words Send ten copies of this letter to your friends and you will have good luck for a year. I sat down at the kitchen table and began to make copies for ten of my friends. They could take their chances, but I was not going to have any more bad luck
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Law on School Prayer Essay
The issue on school prayer has been subject to constitutional debate since 1960s. The hail ruled against school-sponsored prayer in the Engel vs. Vitale case in 1962. Such court decision is in withdraw with the pertaining of freedom of religion (and the expression of ones assent and belief). The Court said that one could alternatively do his or her prayer privately and need non impose his or her prayer to anyone (Dierenfield, 2007).This is the precise basis of the Court for implementing the non-school-sponsored prayer in every school in the United States. Such sentiment was put into question when an separate case of school-sponsored prayer occurred in 2000. The case wherein the Santa Fe Independent schooldays District permitted the non-private conduction of prayer (done in front of other students of the school) which is aim to declare support for the football athletes (Status of Current righteousness on School Prayer, 2007).Although, the Congress had tried to intervene with the issue, the Court still prevailed by saying that the school violated the law against school-sponsored worship or prayer. In order to uphold the judgment of the Court against school-sponsored worship or prayer, the House and the Senate passed the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education) in October 30 2001 (Status of Current Law on School Prayer, 2007). This act states that schools that would violate the law against school-sponsored prayer would be denied of federal funding.The Congress position was to uphold the right of students for wilful prayer hence it disallowed the imposition of school on conducting a school prayer. The panic of losing the support of the government (for public schools) really held every school so that they became really careful close to dealing with unearthly and faith-related issues of their students. They allowed their students to pray or not pray. They do not anymore try to get to actions or sponsor events that would tend to patronize particulars f aiths or religions.Legal Implications Truly, no one should interfere with others way of expressing himself or herself. Likewise, no one should impose his or her religion, belief or faith to anyone (Muir, 1985). Thus, the Court had a very good reason for declaring such decision concerning school prayer. By taking a closer examination on the issue, one would realize that the Court, as well as the Congress, dependable really wanted to protect the rights of the students for voluntary prayer.Hence, schools were ordered not to support any form or kind of religious and faith-related activities. This is due to the fact that public schools have a diverse population of students who lead to various religions. In effect, if the school would favor one student or a group of students in the school to conduct an event that would advertize their religion, there will really be a trespass against the rights of other students on their religious belief (Muir, 1985).The Court provided a very plausibl e and rational shadow to religious sectors and the parents of the students. It said that students can practice their own way of upholding their religious faith while not impeding others right of voluntary prayer. They can really do their prayers privately. By doing so, no one would complain about the imposition of school prayer. The Congresss sponsorship and Courts implementation of the ESEA could really help them monitoring and regulating schools in sponsoring and conducting activities.The schools, in return, would ensure that they would be hands-off regarding religious matters. They should really do that otherwise their federal funding would be denied by the government (Status of Current Law on School Prayer, 2007). To end, the issue on school prayer and the law regarding it intend to promote the rights of the students for voluntary prayer and against discrimination of religion. Schools primary duty is to ensure proper education for their students and that should be their focus .
Classical management theory Essay
Classical worry theory was introduced in the late nineteenth century. It became widespread in the kickoff half of the twentieth century, as organizations tried to address issues of industrial counselling, including specialization, efficiency, high quality, cost reduction and management-worker relationships. While other management theories have evolved since then, untarnished management approaches are comfort used today by many small-business owners to build their companies and to succeed. There are three well(p)-established theories of classical management Taylors Theory of Scientific Management, Fayals Administrative Theory, and Webers Theory of Bureaucracy.Although these schools, or theories, authentic historical season, later ideas have not replaced earlier ones. Instead, each new school has tended to complement or coexist with previous ones. Theory recognizing the role that management plays in an organization. The importance of the function of management was first recog nized by French industrialist Henri Fayol in the early 1900s.In contrast to the purely scientific examen of work and organizations conducted by F W Taylor, Fayol proposed that any industrial undertaking had six functions technical commercial financial security accounting and managerial. Of these, he believed the managerial function, to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate, and control, to be quite distinguishable from the other five. Fayol also identified general principles of management division of work authority and responsibility aim iodin of command unity of direction subordination of individual interest to general interest honorarium of force play centralization scalar chain of authority order equity stability of tenure of personnel initiative and esprit de corps. Fayols views on management remained popular throughout a large part of the 20th century.Evolution of Classical Approach to ManagementTraditional process of learning is either through obsevati on and experiment. temperament or environment is considered uniform and when we observe certain phenomenon or events uniformly leading to the same proceeds or results, we conclude a cause and effect relationship between the two. This is learning by honoring or in other words by experience. Earlier thinkers on management followed this approach in developing theories of management. Learning principally is through empirical process and through analysis of the data poised through observation. Draw the principles of management by looking at and analyzing the jobs that all managers commonly do.This approach served as a starting point for pioneers on management science to verify the validity and improve the pertinence of the principles and practices of management. Analysis of observed data is what constitutes a case study. The observational method of case study helps arriving at logical conclusions about past experience and to test the same as standards for future events. The German so cialists, sludge Weber followed the classical approach and developed his theory of Bureaucracy, which portrays the structure and design of organization characterized by a hierarchy of authority, buckramized rules and regulations that serve to guide the coordinated functioning of an organization.Basic Postulates of the Classical Approach by Max Weber1. Management of an organization is considered as a chain of inter-related functions. The study of the scope and features of these functions, the sequence through which these are performed and their inter-relationship leads one to draw principles of management suitable for universal application 2. Learning principles of management is done through the past experiences of actual practicing managers. 3. As business environment consists of uniform cycles exhibiting an underlying unity of realities, functions and principles of management derived through process of empirical reasoning are suitable for universal application 4. appear new mana gers through formal education and case study can develop skill and faculty in management concepts and practices 5. The classical approach also recognized the importance of economical efficiency and formal organizational structure as guiding pillars of management effectiveness. 6. Business activity is based on economic attain. Organizations should therefore control economic fillipsAdvantages and Benefits of the Classical Management TheoryHierarchical Structure One of the advantages of the classical management structure is a clear organizational hierarchy with three distinct management aims. to each one management group has its own objectives and responsibilities. The top management is usually the board of directors or the chief executives who are responsible for the long-term goals of the organization. Middle management oversees the supervisors, setting department goals according to the approved budget. At the last-place level are the supervisors who oversee day-to-day activiti es, address employee issues and provide employee training. The levels of leadership and responsibilities are clear and well defined. While the three-level structure may not be suitable for all small businesses, it can benefit those that are expanding.Division of Labor One of the advantages of classical management approach is the division of labor. Projects are scattered down into smaller tasks that are easy to complete. Employees responsibilities and expectations are clearly defined. This approach allows workers to narrow their field of expertness and to specialize in one area. The division of labor approach leads to summationd productivity and higher efficiency, as workers are not expected to multitask. Small-businesses owners can benefit from taking this approach if they are looking to increase production with minimal expense.Monetary Incentive According to classical management theory, employees should be motivated by monetary rewards. In other words, they will work harder and b ecome more productive if they have an incentive to look forward to. This gives management easier control over the workforce. Employees feel appreciated when being rewarded for hard work. A small-business owner can take this approach to motivate the employees to achieve production goals.Autocratic Leadership The dominating leadership approach is the central part of classical management theory. It states that an organization should have a case-by-case leader to make decisions, to organize and direct the employees. All decisions are made at the top level and communicated down. The autocratic leadership approach is beneficial in instances when small-business decisions need to be made quickly by a leader, without having to consult with a large group of people, such a board of directors. Small businesses, specially sole proprietorships, can have an advantage in taking this approach, as they need a loyal leader to grow.Faults with the Classical ViewThe classical view of management is o ften criticized as viewing a worker as a mere tool to improve efficiency. Taylorism and classical management styles negatively abnormal the morale of workers which created a negative relationship between workers and managers.
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