Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Deciet and Trickery in Shakespeare´s Much Ado About...
Deceit and trickery play a huge part in the play Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare. Deception is a key theme in the play, it also moves the plot along. Trickery and deception is used in the love stories of couples Hero and Claudio, and Benedick and Beatrice, with opposite results. This play demonstrates two different kinds of deceit: the kind whose only purpose is to cause trouble, and the kind that is used to form a good outcome. In the relationship of Hero and Claudio, deception nearly succeeds in breaking them apart forever, while in the case of Benedick and Beatrice, it brings them closer together. The first use of trickery in Hero and Claudios relationship is when Claudios friend, Don Pedro, pretends to be†¦show more content†¦All throughout the beginning of the play, both Beatrice and Benedick use sarcasm and hide their true feelings for each other, which is the first example of tricky in their relationship. Both of them have vowed never to marry anyone; Benedick stating: Because I will not do them the wrong to mistrust any, I will do myself the right to trust none; and the fine is, for the which I may go the finer, I will live a bachelor. (1.1.232–35), while Beatrice says, No, uncle, Ill none. Adams sons are my brethren, and truly I hold it a sin to match in my kindred. (2.1.59–60.) Their friends see that they are the perfect match for one another, and plan to trick them into confessing their love for each other. When Benedick is in the orchard, he overhears Don Pedro, Claudio, and Leonato talking about how Beatrice is in love with him but is afraid he will mock her if she tells him. Benedick believes them, saying, This can be no trick. (2.3.217.) He then goes on to say, I will be horribly in love with her. (2.3.230–31.) Later, Beatrice hears Hero and Ursula talking about how they cant tell her that Benedick loves her because she is a scornful person. After Hero and Ursula leave, Beatrice states: And Benedick, love on; I will requite thee, Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand. If thou dost love, my kindness shall incite thee To bind our loves up in a holy band. (3.2.111–14) Even though Benedick and Beatrice have said
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Existence Of Human On Earth - 1068 Words
â€Å"Of course there is no formula for success except, perhaps, an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.†(Arthur Rubinstein). Ordinarily, people busy with chasing for their own enjoyment and freedom, I forgot one thing. The existence of human on Earth is not perfect like everyone seemed, it is evanescent , contains thousand of enigmatic things that we have to discover, some of them may impair you. Nevertheless, it is deducible that we have to learn how to accept it, to assuage yourself as well as to acknowledge the variety of life Primarily, in the real life, there are copious stories that you have to take on, it may boon or bane. Among facile problem, you can facilitate and accolade immediately, however, the life is tortuous, most of them are strenuous, it requires you to take time, effort and obscure in action. Being a parishioner of â€Å"the theory of freedom†, you may leave struggle away because privilege protect your benefit, your freedom by not demanding to hurt your liberty ; giving up seemed noticeable. Conversely, some admit that challenge, no matter how is it, they amass experience of failures mixed with torments, someday, the felicity will smile with them. Like Thomas Edison- the admirable inventor, if he had decided to finish up his work after some failures instead of engaging it, we would stay in the darkness with fogy things.Practicing acceptance prepares you to survive in this anomalous world, where you never know what’s going to happen next.Show MoreRelatedQuestioning the Reason of Human Existence on Earth in the Play, Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett1381 Words  | 6 PagesIn the play Waiting For Godot, Beckett questions the purpose of human existence on Earth and reflects uncertainties in life through a series of meaninglessness events and acts played by the characters. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Implementation Failures Free Essays
Misti Whitehead HCS/483 Week 4 IT Project Implementation Failures Jason Koller January 7, 2013 Similarities As I circle the date on my calendar of May 26, I am reminded of what needs to be done to prepare for my son’s 5th birthday party. I go over the theme of the party and figure out what activities will be played. I think about who will be invited and how many gift bags I will make. We will write a custom essay sample on Implementation Failures or any similar topic only for you Order Now I also pick the location of the party and figure out how much money I will spend on this special occasion, even though I usually spend more than what I’m budgeting for. I plan out what foods will be served and where I will be getting the birthday cake from. I brainstorm on if I will have it outside or inside and determine issues that may arise on that certain day. I communicate with my parents to see if they will blow the balloons up before the party and help us with set up of the party decorations. Like party planning the implementation process for health care IT systems take a great deal of preparing, brainstorming, planning, budgeting, and communication to successfully implement new IT systems in a health care organization. Implementation Process The implementation process is essential when adopting a new IT system into your health care organization. â€Å"Selecting the right system does not ensure user acceptance and success; the system must also be incorporated effectively into the day-to-day operations of the health care organization and adequately supported or maintained†(Wager, Lee, Glaser, 2009, â€Å"Implementation Process†). Activities of implementing the new system includes organizing a team and identifying a system champion that is in charge of determining expectations and scope of the project and figures out a project plan. The team plans what task need to be completed, how much money should be spent on this project, how to manage the project until completion. The system champion needs to understand and recognize the needs of the organization and have a passion for the new system being implemented. They should be someone who is easy to get along with and have great communication skills. They should also be a good listener and critical thinker when issues arise. Determining the scope of the project is super important and it lays out why the system is needed and how it will change the organization. Once the goals of the project are agreed on the next step of the project is to plan. Project planning includes listing tasks, estimating how much time will be spent on tasks, the sequence and coordination of tasks, and who will be performing these tasks. Evaluating the completion and success of the project has to be arranged to ensure accuracy on the project. The next step is to brainstorm on how to integrate the new system into the organization, through workflow process analysis. Making sure everyone is on the same page is essential when collaborating. Communication between groups and projects is a part of that collaboration to ensure success. Changes and setbacks need to be communicated through different groups so that everyone is aware of what concerns and issues need to be addressed. Identifying the reason for the new system is extremely important to improve workflow in your organization. Installation of hardware, software, and networks is the next step along with creating a manual for all staff to review so they have support when they cannot figure out how to work the new system. Testing the system for bugs and effectiveness is another essential process of implementation. Training staff is next and helps to ensure their understanding and of the new IT system. Training allows the trainer to â€Å"introduce fundamental or basic concepts†(Wager, Lee, Glaser, 2009, â€Å"System Implementation Support†) needed to operate the new system. Failed Fundamental Activities There are high rates of implementation processes fail due to not following through, evaluating, communication, or planning. This case study that I reviewed failed to organize, evaluate, determine expectations, or establish a plan for the implementation process. They lacked organization and lacked the responsibility of taking on the project. Expectations for each task were not defined and time boundaries were not evaluated after being set. The indicators that I noticed for failure of the process were organization was not ready to implement a new system, there was too much conflict within the rganization, there were unclear and unorganized projects, no one was evaluating these tasks, and concerns and issues were dismissed when brought up. If this were my organization I would have defined tasks, set deadlines, had someone evaluating success of each task, and addressed all issues in a timely manner in order to complete the implementation of the new IT system and ensure it was under budget. References Wager, K. A. , Lee, F. W. , Glaser, J. P. (2009). Healthcare information systems: A practical approach for he alth care management (2nd ed. ). Retrieved from www. phoenix. com. How to cite Implementation Failures, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Accounting for Australian Taxation Office - myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about theAccounting for Australian Taxation Office. Answer: Prepare a report that outlines a boards additional requirements for ASX listing on the stock exchange. The company must have at least 300 shareholders who are non affiliated with holdings valued at least $2000 each. For a company to be listed in the ASX, it should have a working capital of $1.5 million. However, if the required A$1.5 million for working capital and does not have , then the company must show that it can get this amount of money in its revenues for the first quarter (Scheffe?, 2010). The companies that want to list in the ASX are supposed to report on a half yearly and annual basis in Australia. For a company listed with no record of revenues then the companys are required to file quarterly cash flows. Oil and gas companies and mining companies are required to file quarterly reports on cash flow and activities including quoted and issued securities and changes in tenements. The preparation, effort and care that goes into a report should reflect its usage. Comment on this statement. For companies that are listed in the stock exchange, definitely there is a lot that is involved when preparing their reports and financial statements. A company in Australia will have to report under IFRS, a lot of time is taken and care in preparation of the financial reports because they will be used by all the shareholders who include the potential investors, shareholders, creditors among others (Scheffe?, 2010). Unlike a company that is not listed in the stock exchange , the companies listed have to ensure that the financial statements are carefully prepared so that the stakeholders can get a true a fair view of the company. There are standards that are to be adhered to when preparing the companies financial statements and reports that include International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) the International Accounting.Standards among others. Therefore, there is a lot of effort and care when preparing reports for a company that is listed . How will a business determine the correct establishment of lodgment schedules? The only way to determine the correct establishment of lodgment schedules is by looking them up in the Australian Taxation Office or liaising with their agents. Is consultation always necessary before the timetables for the implementation of corporate governance requirements are developed? It is necessary for companies to consult before implementing corporate governance requirements because the consultancy offers best advice that the chairman and the board of directors with the ways to implement good governance practices and frameworks. The consultations are good as they provide information to companies on the relevant regulatory updates and company laws that should guide the company. For high potential start ups, it is important that they receive guidance on how to identify and implement appropriate governance frameworks (Searle, Casella McCulloch, 2009). Consultation is always necessary as they review regulated entities compliance with respective corporate governance codes and providing direction and guidance on evidence of appropriate compliance. To whom should adherence to ethical values apply and what is the value and purpose of professional codes of ethics? Ethics is the branch of knowledge that deals with the study of moral actions of individuals and groups, as well as the rules and norms that govern that behavior in a given society. Therefore, professional ethics is the part of ethics that governs the behavior of the individual in his professional practice. Certainly this is one of the most diversified branches of ethics. For example, for business managers, there is no basic ethical code. It is therefore up to companies to define their own codes of conduct. Therefore, the professional Codes of Conduct are rules that are dictated, in most cases, unilaterally by companies whose application is generally not subject to external verification processes. A healthy and positive corporate culture not only improves morale among employees but also increases employee retention and productivity which translates to an improved financial benefit for the organization (Searle, Casella McCulloch, 2009). Why is adherence to ATO reporting deadlines important? It is important to adhere to Australian Tax Authority(ATO) reporting deadlines because failure to meet these deadlines could make the company the company part with a lot of money in form of penalties. Failure would also mean that the tax authority could file a notice of federal tax lien and claim the companys property. They could make the company forfeit the refund and also file charges for tax evasion. Therefore adherence to ATO reporting deadlines is important. Explain why work practise are influenced by the segregation of duties. Segregation of duties is a building block for internal control and sustainable risk management for an organization. This principle is based on sharing responsibilities of a process that is meant to disperse a critical function of that process to several people in a department. Work practice is influenced by segregation of duties (Bielefeld Schneider, 2014). Work practice is generally the adopted methods by companies where a task is performed with minimum risk to people, materials, environment, equipment and processes. Thus, allocating jobs to different people would make the task being performed to be done with a lot of care and therefore, minimizing risks to the process and environment. Without separation of duties there is likely to be disastrous outcomes because the goal of separation of duties is to prevent unilateral actions from occurring in key processes where irreversible effects go beyond an organizations tolerance for fraud or error. Why is it important to state the assets and liabilities at their correct accrual basis amounts at the start of the accounting cycle? Accounting is designed to record and compile financial information intended for its users. Accrual basis is a concept that is used to record in accounting and is more popular than cash basis because it is more accurate and this is the reason why assets and liabilities are recorded on accrual basis in any organization. Accrual basis records transactions in a particular period of time based on their causal relationship. This makes it produce more accurate gauges of the organizations performance in a particular period. What might rising trade debtors indicate and what action might you take? An increase in trade debtors indicates that the company is not getting payments from its debtors on time or it may also mean that the company is not doing enough to collect debts from the creditors. This may cause cash flow problems for the company because it affects the working capital. There are several actions that one can take to ensure that there is no increase in trade debtors account. One of the ways is reducing credit terms, for example reduce the credit period from 30 days to 14 days. The second method is to ask for a deposit, for any order, customers have to first make a deposit. The company can also outsource the services of a debt collector, another way of reducing trade receivables is by offering better terms for payment upfront so that the customers can have easily flexible terms. They can also charge interest for debt outstanding. How could comparison between your organization and your competitors be useful? Comparison between your organization and its competitors is important because it helps the company to monitor the way competitors do business. After the comparison a company may adjust the price they charge which would give them a competitive edge over the competitors. Second they are able to learn how the competitors market and provide their goods to their customers and how they deliver. This could help them become more efficient in their distribution and how they market their products. A comparison is important because the company may learn more on how to enhance customer service and the after sale service that the customers offer. Explain the procedures you might need to follow to access the financial data and plans necessary for efficient operations of a team/ section/ division There should be necessary structures put in place to ensure that no one gets authorized financial data from a company. Therefore, if one requires financial data , he/she must seek authorization from a senior member of the department who can provide the login details into the data or any other necessary authorizations to access the information. What are the likely cost implication for a business which expands rapidly? A business is not supposed to grow very rapidly. The implication for expanding rapidly is that the organization may outgrow its premises in the short term and therefore there is no enough space for employees to work efficiently which could be costly for the organization because it will be forced to rent additional space.Overgrowing leads to losing of morale where the employees cannot cope with extra work , which means that productivity decreases. Over growing may lead to funds shortage meant to meet expansion cost. The quality of products may decrease and a the quality of service provided may drop which leads to a lot of complaints and customers may be lost to competitors. The staff turnover may decrease due to more workload which means that the organization will put more funds into recruitment and training of new staff. This is additional cost to the company. You have been asked by management to prepare a report on why the personnel budget has a large negative variance. What information would you include in your report? A personnel budget is a control tool that controls employment costs, forecasts and other decisions can be made with reference to all the data available. A large negative variance will only be as a result of paying salaries and wages more than what was budgeted. This may be because the company hired more workers , the work took a longer time to complete or there was a lot of overtimes wages paid out. What are the key management information requirements? Critical success factors (CSFs) are those areas that an organization needs to perform best if it is to achieve overall success. For this reason , the management needs key information to help manage the strategic direction of the organization. At all levels of management, information is needed for decision making. At all levels of organization hierarchy, there are different types of decisions made to control the different types of processes (Bielefeld Schneider, 2014). There are different information needs that different levels of management require. Top level managers and directors require strategic information that have an impact to the entire organization. Some of the information that the management requires include the financial statements (this include; balance sheet, income statement and cashflows). Other information may come inform of budget and other forms of forecasts (Donovan, 2006). Other information that the management requires include information relating to customers to understand their needs. Information on how to respond to customers needs, that is risk management information. Also required is information relating to the process and the system. What is the relationship between variance analysis reports and system integrity? The relationship between variance analysis and system analysis is that when a variance analysis is accurate the system has integrity. Variance analysis involves assessing the difference between projected and actual figures of various items in the income statement. Variance helps an organization maintain control over various expenses of the company by monitoring actual expenses versus actual costs. A variance analysis that is effective enables a company spot issues , trends , threats and opportunities (Hodge, 2008). With an accurate variance analysis the accounting system is more useful thus ensuring that the system has integrity. Describe how the assigning of numbers in the chart of accounts can assist in identifying accounts particularly with regard to organizations with many locations. A companys organizational chart serves as an outline for its accounting chart of accounts. For example if a company has divided its operations into fifteen departments namely human resource, marketing, production , finance e.t.c, each of the department will have ist own expenses which they will be accountable for (Hodge, 2008). Expenses for the various departments may include phone, supplies, salaries e.t.c . A large corporation will require thousands of accounts and that is why assigning of numbers in the chart of accounts is helpful in indentifying which expense is for a certain department e.t.c. With accrual accounting, when does the GST implications arise and why is it considered to be better than the cash system? The main difference between accrual and cash accounting is the time when liability to pay GST occurs. One is liable to pay GST on cash basis once you have received it from your customers. In this case, one cannot claim of credits on GST until you have paid for your services or products (Lee Hales, 2003). For example, if you receive payment from a customer on Thursday for an invoice sent on Monday, then the income is recorded against Thursdays date on your books. On the other hand if you chose the Accrual basis , GST is recognized once invoiced. The accrual basis its considered more accurate. Most organisations have a range if policies and procedures relating to the operation of their accounting systems. How would you apply policies and procedures to operating a computerized accounting system? The following are ways in which one would apply accounting procedures and policies to operating a computerized operating system. Ensure that the system has passwords and assign a specific person to manage the accounting system. Ensusre that all the data input is verified and done by one person who is in charge (Kieso, Weygandt Warfield, n.d.). To what standards does the chart of accounts need to be prepared and what role has the AASB in this? Charts of accounts need to be prepared in the highest standards and therefore the role of AASB is to ensure that they provide conceptual framework for purposes of evaluating proposed standards. AASB also formulate accounting standards for other purposes within the accounting field. Thus, it is a must that chart of accounts be prepared according to AASB (Horngren, 2014). References Bielefeld, B., Schneider, R. (2014).Budgeting. Basel: Birkha?user. Donovan, S. (2006).Budgeting. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co. Hodge, B. (2008).Accounting. London: Thomson Learning. Horngren, C. (2014).Accounting. Toronto: Pearson Canada. Kieso, D., Weygandt, J., Warfield, T.Intermediate accounting. Lee, N., Hales, E. (2003).Accounting. Toronto: Prentice Hall. Penning, A. (2012).Budgeting. Osborne. Scheffe?, H. (2010).The analysis of variance. New York: Wiley-Interscience Publication. Searle, S., Casella, G., McCulloch, C. (2009).Variance Components. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons, Inc.
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