Monday, December 23, 2019

The Existence Of Human On Earth - 1068 Words

â€Å"Of course there is no formula for success except, perhaps, an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.†(Arthur Rubinstein). Ordinarily, people busy with chasing for their own enjoyment and freedom, I forgot one thing. The existence of human on Earth is not perfect like everyone seemed, it is evanescent , contains thousand of enigmatic things that we have to discover, some of them may impair you. Nevertheless, it is deducible that we have to learn how to accept it, to assuage yourself as well as to acknowledge the variety of life Primarily, in the real life, there are copious stories that you have to take on, it may boon or bane. Among facile problem, you can facilitate and accolade immediately, however, the life is tortuous, most of them are strenuous, it requires you to take time, effort and obscure in action. Being a parishioner of â€Å"the theory of freedom†, you may leave struggle away because privilege protect your benefit, your freedom by not demanding to hurt your liberty ; giving up seemed noticeable. Conversely, some admit that challenge, no matter how is it, they amass experience of failures mixed with torments, someday, the felicity will smile with them. Like Thomas Edison- the admirable inventor, if he had decided to finish up his work after some failures instead of engaging it, we would stay in the darkness with fogy things.Practicing acceptance prepares you to survive in this anomalous world, where you never know what’s going to happen next.Show MoreRelatedQuestioning the Reason of Human Existence on Earth in the Play, Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett1381 Words   |  6 PagesIn the play Waiting For Godot, Beckett questions the purpose of human existence on Earth and reflects uncertainties in life through a series of meaninglessness events and acts played by the characters. 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